
Donating to Broadway Cares using a Donor Advised Fund

Here’s the information you’ll need to send a fully tax-deductible donation by Donor Advised Fund.

  • Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS EIN: 13-3458820
  • Legal Name: Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
  • Address:
    165 West 46th Street,
    Suite 1300,
    New York, NY 10036
  • Contact: Sarah Cardillo, deputy director of development cardillo@broadwaycares.org or 212.840.0770, ext. 275
  • Please include your name and the purpose of your gift in the reference

You may use a DAF to make a fully tax-deductible donation to support Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

IRS guidelines prohibit using a Donor Advised Fund to pay for tickets to fundraising events. A DAF may be used to pay for an event sponsorship if the donor opts not to receive any of the tangible benefits associated with that sponsorship and/or the donor purchases tickets separately not using DAF funds. 

For further guidance, please contact us at donations@broadwaycares.org