Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
What we do together, makes a difference

Annual Report 2023
October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023

From the President and the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
Our motto for decades has been “what we do together makes a difference.” But perhaps, in these eventful and unprecedented times, this mantra rings more true than ever before. It’s our collective humanity – from Broadway Cares donors, theater artists and folks working behind-the-scenes alike – that allows Broadway Cares to continue providing vital help to those who need it most, even during turbulent times.
Because of your continued support and generosity, in fiscal year 2023 we sent support to 452 HIV/AIDS and family service organizations in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., providing meals and medication, health care and hope to those facing critical illnesses or personal crises. These grants also included humanitarian aid in response to Hurricane Ian’s devastation in Florida, California and Hawaii wildfires and Turkey’s catastrophic earthquake, continuing our decades-long commitment to providing critical aid across the US and around the world.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS continues to offer a safety net to our friends and colleagues in the performing arts through the Entertainment Community Fund (formerly The Actors Fund). We support the Fund’s essential programs including The Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts, the HIV/AIDS Initiative, the Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative, the Artists Health Insurance Resource Center, Senior Services, Addiction and Recovery Services and more.
In total, Broadway Cares’ support for the programs of the Entertainment Community Fund reached $7.6 million in fiscal year 2023, while our National Grants Program awarded $9.1 million to AIDS and family service organizations nationwide.
This lifesaving grant-making wouldn’t have been possible without your stalwart support and enthusiasm for our mission. Thank you for your continued commitment, and for proving that what we do together makes a difference.

Tom Viola
Executive Director

Robert E. Wankel
Where Does All That Money Go?
Financial Statements Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF)
IRS Form 990 Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF)
Entertainment Community Fund

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is the single largest supporter of the Entertainment Community Fund, which provides a safety net of supportive services to all in entertainment and the performing arts. The $7.6 million provided to the Fund in fiscal year 2023 represented 44 percent of all of Broadway Cares’ grant-making.
For Renata Marinaro, the Entertainment Community Fund’s national director, the drive to make insurance attainable for all began far from the beating heart of Broadway. It started on a cancer hotline.
“My job right out of school was working a hotline for people who had been diagnosed with cancer, many of them uninsured,” Marinaro said. “And at that time, before the Affordable Care Act, being diagnosed with cancer while uninsured meant that you were either going to get substandard care, have to pay a lot of money for it or not get any care at all.”
Being on the receiving end of calls where critically ill people were forced to choose between life and death drove Marinaro to be part of the solution.
The introduction of the Affordable Care Act made receiving lifesaving essential care possible for countless people across the country. However, in a gig-based entertainment industry where artists can be forced to switch between insurance providers on a regular basis, receiving care and navigating insurance plans can become increasingly murky.
“As an actor, you might have insurance through an employer one year, through Medicaid the next and through a union health plan the following year,” Marinaro said. “Those are three very different systems that people have to adjust to. It’s really hard.”
That’s where the Artists Health Insurance Resource Center comes in. Buoyed by Marinaro and a dedicated team of social workers, and ongoing support from Broadway Cares, AHIRC offers personalized health insurance counseling, enrollment support and referrals to health care resources for entertainment professionals onstage, backstage and behind the scenes.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ connection to the Entertainment Community Fund (formerly The Actors Fund) reaches back more than three decades, first to the creation of the HIV/AIDS Initiative in 1988. Broadway Cares provided the initial funding for the initiative and continues to provide the majority of its annual budget.
In 1996, Broadway Cares expanded its support to provide initial funding to launch the Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative, and now champions a full suite of social services including Addiction and Recovery Services, The Dancers’ Resource and The Stage Managers’ Project.
In addition to the more than $18.9 million in support to the Fund during the pandemic, Broadway Cares provided the lead gift of $1 million to the Every Artist Insured initiative, which expands on the Artists Health Resource Center’s free and confidential health insurance counseling and enrollment support services.
For the Artists Health Insurance Resource Center, its services become even more invaluable when social, political and economic factors complicate matters for the industry. Marinaro has seen a drop in coverage rates through union health plans in the wake of the writers’ and actors’ strikes, and the COVID-19 pandemic’s devastation continues to ripple through the industry.
From strikes and work pauses to unexpected life events, Marinaro and her team of insurance experts are there to help performers navigate even the most complex of insurance scenarios.
For example, California-based Entertainment Community Fund social worker Kai Carter helped a woman who was delivering a baby just as she lost union coverage and transitioned into a Marketplace plan. Then, the baby ended up in the ICU – and AHIRC provided vital guidance so the family emerged from their hospital stay healthy and insured.
“That’s why our team is so valuable – we have a lot of expertise in this area,” Marinaro said. “We can translate terms and policies and eligibility guidelines into language that people can understand and act on. We are here to make it easier to find appropriate, affordable care.”
While the American health insurance system remains a complex and often frustrating hurdle for many, it’s come a long way since Marinaro received her first call at the cancer diagnosis hotline. And AHIRC remains committed to offering critical services and programs so entertainment professionals can receive the care and support they deserve.
“It’s important for people to understand that we are a resource available to them,” Marinaro said, “and that we don’t have to go back to the horrible days when people were dying because they didn’t have insurance.” Thanks to the generosity of Broadway Cares’ donors, Broadway Cares is the largest single financial supporter of the Fund. Of the $7.6 million grant the Entertainment Community Fund received from Broadway Cares in fiscal year 2023, $750,000 has been earmarked for the Artists Health Insurance Resource Center.
Support for the Entertainment Community Fund
The Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts | $2,000,000 |
HIV/AIDS Initiative | $1,000,000 |
Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative | $1,000,000 |
COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund | $1,000,000 |
Artists Health Insurance Resource Center (AHIRC) | $750,000 |
Addiction and Recovery Services | $500,000 |
Senior Services | $300,000 |
The Dancers’ Resource | $250,000 |
The Career Center | $250,000 |
Safety Net for All Campaign | $200,000 |
Broadway Flu Shot Initiative | $100,000 |
Safe Workplace Initiative | $100,000 |
Stage Managers Project | $52,500 |
Paul Libin Center – Looking Ahead | $50,000 |
Miscellaneous Special event sponsorship, memorial donations | $90,000 |
Total: $7,642,500 |
National Grants

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ National Grants Program awarded $9.1 million to 452 social service organizations in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
Darryl Cannady will stop at nothing to keep his community healthy. For more than 30 years, the executive director at South Central Educational Development in Bluefield, WV, has been doing vital work supporting people living with HIV/AIDS in a rural and remote region. And with the closest infectious disease doctor at least 50 miles away from so many he serves, Cannady is powered by a scrappy and adaptable energy that ensures safety for his clients.
“We have the food pantry and we offer emergency services,” Cannady said. “We’ll help with electrical bills and rent. We’ve purchased batteries and tires for cars. We will pretty much try to provide the client whatever they need to ensure they can make it to their medical appointments or have a healthy meal.”
During these particularly unprecedented past few years, agencies across the country have had to be like Cannady, staying agile and responsive to their communities. Broadway Cares’ donors play a vital role in making sure those organizations stay funded and supported so they can continue to provide lifesaving, critical care – like South Central Educational Development, which received a $10,000 grant from Broadway Cares in 2023. They’ve been a grantee of Broadway Cares for 27 years.
Broadway Cares’ 2023 National Grants Program awarded $9.1 million to 452 social service organizations in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
The grants are awarded in three rounds each year. The first grant round ensures that those affected by HIV/AIDS, COVID-19 and other life-threatening illnesses can get access to healthy meals through food pantries, meal deliveries and congregate food programs. In the spring, additional grants are awarded to nationally recognized AIDS service organizations, health clinics and advocacy organizations and to theater and entertainment industry social service agencies.
The final round of grants in the summer, which included South Central Educational Development, helped organizations that provide direct client services, emergency assistance, harm reduction and quality of life services. These latest grants were awarded by a National Grants Committee of 21 actors and stage managers who helped lead their shows’ efforts in the Spring Fundraising Campaign.
Some 650 miles from West Virginia, Liberty Community Services in New Haven, CT, adapted its housing program to aid the rapidly increasing number of unhoused people seeking help.
“These last three years have overflowed with challenges to our community,” Executive Director Jim Pettinelli said. “From the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic to a double digit increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness and an ever-present opioid epidemic – every day, each of these impacts, disrupts and endangers the lives of the people we serve.”
Despite the endless barrage of challenges, the Liberty team has opened new lines of services and scaled up existing ones, buoyed by a $10,000 grant from Broadway Cares.
“We’re serving more people today than ever before,” Pettinelli said. “Our work will continue to evolve to find the best ways to respond to our clients’ needs.”
Earlier in 2023, a record $2.8 million was awarded to 141 food service and meal delivery programs in January and $1.13 million to 43 of the largest AIDS service and nationally recognized advocacy organizations in April.
The generosity of Broadway Cares donors has made it possible for agencies like South Central, Liberty and N Street Village in Washington, D.C., to adapt and provide on-the-ground care that is responsive to today’s challenges.
“Because of you, we have reimagined our services and adapted to the ever-changing needs of the women we welcome every day,” Kenyatta T. Brunson, N Street Village chief executive officer, said.
Broadway Cares awarded N Street a $7,500 grant in 2023. This support means Iva, a woman who has been unhoused for more than a decade, was able to move into permanent housing.
“N Street Village gave me the resources and tools to reclaim my life,” Iva said. “I am so grateful for that, and I know it would not have been possible without you.”
2023 National Grants
Food Service and Meal Delivery Programs | $2,827,500 |
Local AIDS Service Organizations | $3,340,000 |
Emergency Grants for Pandemic Relief | $550,000 |
Supplemental Grants – Shared Support | $944,000 |
National Grants Program Grantees – Additional Support | $449,500 |
Theater Social Service Organizations | $395,000 |
Broadway Community Emergency Response Grants, Florida Hurricane Relief, California and Hawaii Wildfires, Turkey Earthquake | $600,000 |
Total: $9,106,000 |
2023 National Grantees by State
Please use the drop-down box below to view by state all the agencies Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS funded in fiscal year 2023.
South African Grants

For Lindiwe Dlamini, Bongi Duma and S’bu Ngema, trips back home to their native South Africa are not just for visiting family and friends. Traveling also gives the three longtime cast members of Broadway’s The Lion King an opportunity to see firsthand the impact they’re having when they hold Red Buckets for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
“We take it upon ourselves to be involved,” Duma said. ”Every time we go home, we check and see what is needed.”
Since The Lion King opened 25 years ago, a portion of the proceeds the show raises for Broadway Cares has been shared with local social service organizations identified by the South African cast members. In fiscal year 2023, Broadway Cares sent $397,500 to 14 organizations including health clinics, food pantries, orphanages and jobs programs. The 2023 awards pushed Broadway Cares’ all-time total in support of grants in South Africa to more than $5.9 million.
To celebrate our longtime friendship and collaboration with the actors on these grant-making efforts, $2,500 was added to each of the grants to mark the 25th anniversary of The Lion King.
For the South African cast members on their own various excursions home, they keep their ears open for communities and organizations in need of support.
Keeping in contact with the grantees means the actors see firsthand the difference they’re making. “Artists are suffering back home and some of these organizations help artists, especially ones who are sick,” Dlamini said. “It’s very private because the stigma against HIV/AIDS still exists. The difference is when the help comes from an organization like this, they still feel protected because they see it as a safe space for people living with HIV and AIDS.”
The investment of time from Dlamini, Duma, Ngema and the show’s other South African actors is a testament to their commitment to bringing the stories of their Pride Lands to a wider audience, “Broadway Cares has been such a big part of people being able to tell their stories,” Duma said. “It’s wonderful to see the good the money does at home. It’s a really great impact.”
The idea started simply enough in January 1998. A few weeks after The Lion King opened on Broadway, Broadway Cares Executive Director Tom Viola was preparing to meet with the company to discuss their first fundraising campaign for the upcoming spring Easter Bonnet Competition.
“There were about a dozen South African actors in that original cast,” Viola said. “I could not imagine standing in front of them and talking about AIDS as if it was only happening here. Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDs couldn’t ask them to help us reach out to people living with AIDS across the United States without acknowledging what was happening to their friends and families back home.”
In this compassionate, 25-year collaboration between Broadway Cares and the South African actors, they serve as grants committee members. The performers are there every step of the way as dollars in Red Buckets translate into medication, food and other vital resources for people in need back home. “People who donate at The Lion King don’t know the impact even $1,000 in support can have,” Ngema said. “It goes a very long way back home when exchanged into rand [the South African dollar], assures their next meal, continued medication or a safe haven off the streets.”
Visionary Circle and Angels Circle
The following are members of the Visionary Circle and Angels Circle as of September 30, 2023. Names in bold indicate Premier Visionaries and Archangels, donors who increased their gift by 25 percent or more over the previous year. Contributions are not related to event ticket or merchandise purchases.
We thank these Visionaries and Angels who provide essential support for those affected by HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses, and for members of the entertainment and performing arts community in times of challenge or crisis, across the country. For more information about the benefits of the Visionary Circle or Angels Circle visit or contact Sarah Cardillo at or 212.840.0770, ext. 275.
Visionary Circle
gifts of $100,000 and above
Liz Armstrong
Danny Baron in loving memory of Artie Gaffin
Craig Newmark Philanthropies
The Dream Alliance
The Fred Ebb Foundation
Hugh Jackman & Deborra-lee Furness
Stanley Newman & Dr. Brian Rosenthal
Marc & Mary Lou Seidner
The Shubert Organization
Peg & Gary Wendlandt
gifts from $50,000 to $99,999
John R. Alchin & Hal Marryatt
Jerry & Terri Kohl
Judith Light & Robert Desiderio
Lee Perlman & Linda Riefberg
Thomas Schumacher & Matthew White
Brian S. Snyder
Hollis Stern
Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch
Anonymous (1)
gifts from $25,000 to $49,999
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Laura M. Boedeker
James & Debbie Burrows
Gavin Corcoran in memory of Charles Wallace Collier
William W. Donnell
Toni DowneyMary D. Fisher
Joy Henshel
Judi Krupp in memory of Rebecca Luker
Larry L. Luing Family Foundation
Richard Lin & Evan Zazula
Mary Lea Johnson Richards 1997 Charitable Trust in memory of Mary Lea Johnson Richards & Martin Richards
James L. Nederlander & Margo M. Nederlander
Mary C. & Richard J. Parrish
Vaso Petsagourakis
The Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation, San Francisco
Jeffrey Seller
Kendrick Shope
The Ted Snowdon Foundation
The Terrence McNally Foundation
The Zarley Family Foundation
Anonymous (2)
gifts from $10,000 to $24,999
Susan & Crystal Atkins-Weathers
Ward Auerbach & Andy Baker*
Bainbridge Foundation
The Barbara Epstein Foundation Inc.
Terry & William Biggins
Walter Bobbie & David Frye
Roy Brayton & Mickey Sullivan
Barbara Broccoli
The Carl Jacobs Foundation
The Crimson Lion / Lavine Family Foundation
Scott Dainton in memory of Andy Zerman
The Diller-Von Furstenberg Family Foundation
Frank Duff & John Okuloski
Doug Eichman & Michael C. Yount
Robert Evers
Jules Fisher & Graciela Daniele
The Fosdick Fund
Ronald & Susan Frankel
Kenneth R. Fulton
Thomas Gentile in honor of James Raper
George & Irina Schaeffer Foundation
Valerie Gordon-Johnson & Doug Johnson
John Gore & Lauren Reid/The John Gore Organization
Harriett D. Kittner Foundation
The John D. Evans Foundation
Karen Johnston
Ilana Kameros
Greg Kammerer & Frederick M. White
Henry L. Kimelman Family Foundation
Emily J. Klopfer
Arabella Langhorne
Joe Lanteri*
Deirdre & Mark LeMire
Joseph Levi
Paul & Florence Rowe Libin
Leslie Lyles
Laura Anne Lewis Mantell, M.D. & Alan Mark Mantell
Max and Bella Stein Charitable Trust
Leslie & Jordan Mayer
Stephanie & Carter McClelland
Abigail Merrill
Miranda Family Fund
Nathan Noh
Rob O’Neill & Shawn Anderson
The Oliver Fund in loving memory of Dorothy Scott and Gloria Rosenthal
Stephen Paine
Michael Perez & Jason Lane
Marina & Thomas PurcellMichael C. Ray
Michael Raymond & Andrew Moyer
Richenthal Foundation
Barbara Rohdie*
Mickey Rolfe & Bruce Tracy
The Rosenbloom Family
Meryl Rosofsky & Stuart H. Coleman*
The Ross Foundation
Spencer Ross
Paul Rumsey
Wendy B. Samuel
Noah Evan Samuels in memory of Anne Samuels Roberts
Scarlet Feather Fund
Pieter Schenck & Sioux Logan*
Isabelle Searle
Jayne Baron Sherman
Amy Sherman-Palladino
Beth Siegelman
Paula L. Sindlinger
Rob Stoll
Steve Sweet
The Tapper Gorevic Family
Jodi & Howard Tenenbaum
Theatrical Stage Employees Local One/IATSE
The Venable Foundation
John Voege & Geoffrey Paul
David Wackman & Jason Rardin
The Waldman Foundation
Dr. Fredric & Mrs. Cynthia Weiss
Barbara Whitman
The Winston Foundation
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Diane M. & Kevin Wilshere
Alicia Longobardo Wyckoff
John Yonover
Zion Lutheran Church
Robert E. Zimmerman
Anonymous (10)
As of September 30, 2023
Angels Circle
gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
The Al Hirschfeld Foundation
The Alpuche Family
The Alice Ghostley Foundation
Richard Ambrose
Whitney Arcaro
ATPAM – Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers
Douglas Bella & David Hunt
Kristin & Jim Bender
Bendit Family Foundation
Nancy Duggan Benson
Mark Bergamini & Christopher Oates*
Sandy Berlin
Lynn A. Booth
Carol Bresler & Carolyn Billinghurst
Butkiewicz Family Foundation in honor of Judy Wheeler & Tim Regan
Patricia & Carroll Cathey
Annette Cerbone & Suzanne LeVan
Cathy Chernoff
Mitchell & Christine Clarfield
Paul & Kelly Cole
The Column Awards
Gavin Creel
Gerald Dabbs, M.D.
Deborah Dakin
Derek Danton & Robert Berk
Mike DelBene
Jamie deRoy in memory of Bradshaw Smith and Clovis Ruffin
Drew Desky & Dane Levens
David DeSocio
Charles Deull
Val DiFebo & J Dixon Byrne in memory of Joseph Molfetta
Linda Duncombe
Christopher & Candace Edelmann in honor of Mark McClary
Ellen Esposito
Feinstein’s/54 Below
Barrett Foa
Lauren Foley
Barbara H. Freitag
Gerda Lissner Foundation Inc. in loving memory of Scott Barnes & Brian Kellow
Joanna Gleason & Chris Sarandon
Judy Gluckstern*
Dan Goggin
Jan & Steven Golann
Amanda Green & Jeffrey Kaplan
James F. Haag
Alison Hall
The Herb Ritts, Jr. Foundation
Theresa D. Herman
Larry Hirschhorn & Melissa Posen
The Joe & Hellen Darion Foundation, Inc.
John L. McHugh Foundation
Kelly Karavites in memory of my loving spouse Francis P. King
Karma Foundation
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
LaFountaine Family Foundation**
Fran Macferran
Jennifer Manocherian
Tom Marshall & Kathy Keneally
James Martin
Elizabeth Martinez & Nicholas Baldick
Clif Mathews & Brian Lurie
Heather J. McDonald
Marianne McGrath Mills
Jacque & Charles McLaughlin
Irene Mecchi
William Megevick in memory of Larz Anderson
Jennifer Melin Miller & David Miller
Miriam Schaeffer Family Foundation
Jerry Mitchell & Ricky Schroeder
Ira Mont & Jill Cordle Mont in memory of Annette & Stuart Mont, Dan Cordle and in honor of Joan Cordle
Javier Morgado in memory of Eddie Sweetnam
William Morey in memory of Christopher Tisone
Janissa Muller
Sarah Anne Munson
Thomas M. Neff
Nora Roberts Foundation
Tony Origlio & Kip Vanderbilt
The PATH Fund/Rockers on Broadway
Petty Hefte Family Foundation
Monica & Greg Reid
Stephen Kroll Reidy* in memory of Carolyn Kroll Reidy
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Richard and Diane Weinberg Family Foundation
Paul Russell & Beryl Raff
CJ Salvani
Randal B. Sandler
Megan M. Savage
Matthew Schermerhorn & Andy Rice
Ryan Schultz – Cherry City Metals
Barbara Schrader
Frank Selvaggi & Bill Shea
Carolyn & Marc Seriff
James L. Simon
Barry Skovgaard & Marc Wolinsky
Robin Skye
Iris Smith
Cori Stolbun
Abbie Strassler
Lynn & Bruce Surry
Steve Symonds
John Tartaglia
Carol Terry
Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local 764 IATSE
Peter M. Thomas in honor of Lori Black Thomas
Thompson Turner Productions
The Tweedlie Center for the Arts
Twelve Thirteen Ninetyone Fund / Bugged Out
Richard J. Underwood
Judy Vincent
Alice Wang & Peter Spiegelman
David J Wermuth & Jennifer Kroman
Jim Whitman & Sara McDougall
Jayne Williams
Russ Woolley
Yeoh Shields Fund of Horizons Foundation
William P Zanetis in memory of Christopher Tripp Zanetis
David Zippel & Michael Johnston
Anonymous (10)
gifts from $2,500 to $4,999
Randy Adams
Aaron J. Albano in memory of Stephanie Bissonnette
Sara M. Allan
Gerry & Hank Alpert*
Kathleen E. Bandhu
Anne Banfield
Catherine Bannister
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery in loving memory of Rob Sinacore
Bardo Arts (Alex Pearlman)
Jack W. Batman & Sidney J. Burgoyne
Michael & Kimberly Beatrice
Benjamin & Seema Pulier Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Benton & Rachel Brown
Andrew Berdon*
Elaine D. Berger
Mark Bernhardt*
Amy Bermudez
Claude Bernstein & Melody Wang
Phillip Bettencourt
Herb & Ron Black
Ann Marie & Robert Borsdorf
John Bowab
Bob Boyett
Scott Brittingham in memory of Christopher Caruso
The Broadway Cruise in Honor of Amelia Freeman
The Broder Foundation
Michael Buchanan
The Calamus Foundation
Christopher Cara
Andrew Caravella
Cristina Carlson
Cunningham Escott Slevin & Doherty
Marc Chalet & James Ting
Girlie Chang & Michael Vermut
The Charles and Lucille King Family Foundation, Inc. in memory of Bob & Muriel Kennedy
Michael & Diane Christian*
Sylvia Choi
Neel Chopdekar & Thom Allcock
Alissa Cipriano
Gloria & Charles I. Clough Jr.
Samantha & Drew Cohen in memory of Richard Salfas and Michael Friedman
Ricky Coombs & Seth Stuhl
Robert N. Cory & Shuichiro Takeda*
Susan & Andrew Cott
Thomas Cott* in memory of Philip Carlson
Karen & James Courtney
Michael David & Lauren Mitchell
Jeffrey De Korte
Maria Di Dia in loving memory of Doug Salmon
Joe Dimino & Michael Guida
Andrew S. Dolkart
Mark Donofrio & Alexander Lach*
Judy & Tim Dove*
Thor Eckert
Maryann Edgecomb
Anthony, Kristina & David Ellenbogen
Deborah & Matt Ellis
Eric Emeric
Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz
Bill Evans & Chuck Fischer in memory of Mike Nichols
James T. Evans, PhD, JD
Joe Evall & Richard Lynn
Craig Faircloth
Ken Fakler & Luc Bouchard-Fakler
John & Margaret Falk*
James & Anna Fantaci
James Fedigan
Daniel Feinstein
Jack Feldman & Matthew Liss
Doug Fiebelkorn & Andrew Hall
Camden & Debra Fine
Ken Finkelstein
Kelly Finzer in honor of Michael DelBene
Melina Fisher*
Elliot Fishman & Dale Abrams
Kevin & Helen Flanagan*
Charles Flateman & Gail Goldstein
Jonathan Foster, M.D.
Dale J. Fournier & Michael R. Wellington*
Vincent Gaeta
Emmanuelle Gattuso
Barry Gelda in memory of Irene Lucille Bunis
The Gelfand Family Foundation
Darrell M.W. George & Scott Turner*
Michael Gerdes
Richard Gerrig & Timothy Peterson
John Paul Geurts & Robert W. Stolt
Roger Gindi & Gregory Victor
Dale Glasser in memory of Steven Glasser
Justin Gleiberman
Sherri Goldberg
Peter & Roberta Gottlieb
Gramercy Park Foundation
Douglas Greene
Howard Grossman, M.D.
Leslie G. Gutierrez
Addie Guttag
Alan Hassell* in loving memory of H. Thomas Axt
Gail L. Heinemeyer
John M. Hemmer
Richard Hester & Michael Mastro in memory of Helen Hester
Kurt F. & Margaret Webb Heyssel
Alma M. Hirsch in memory of Judi Hirsch
Susan & Neal Hirsch
William S. Hoover, M.D
Bill Hutton in memory of Dr. Joel D. Weisman
Kathy Inch
Rach Ireland
Jim & Kerry Jacobson
Jerome S. Glazer Foundation
Earl Johnson & Douglas Ward
Michael Johnston
Joanna Jordan
Benita & Joe Kaminkow
Howard & Debby Kaminsky
Mark Kaplan
Judith E. Karp, MD & Stanley Freedman
Milly & Robert Kayyem
Celia Keenan-Bolger & John Ellison Conlee
Howard & Karen Kellman
Karen E. Kennedy in memory of Muriel & Bob Kennedy
Kelly Lake
Dawn Landino
Angela Lansbury
Aaron Larson
William Lauch
Christopher Leary*
Sunhee Lee & Laird Zacheis
The Lenore & Howard Klein Foundation
Michael A. Leppen
Ronald Lieberman & Lauren Schwartz
Tom Lombardi
William Ludel & Tracy Cohen
Eric Luftig
Daniel & Linda Lynch
John J. Mackerey
Barbara Manocherian
John Mansell & Tim House
Nina Matis & Alan Gosule*
Jennifer Mayer
Patrick McCarthy
Drew McLellan
Kati Meister
Jeff Meleski & Steve Markov
Elliott & Cathy Masie
Eli Milbaur*
Michael Mills & Mark McGrath
Art Moore
Joe P & Edna B Moore Jr
William Moore
Morozs Family
Jason & Debbie Moss
Judith A. Nelson** in memory of Wayne McCarthy
Bebe Neuwirth & Chris Calkins*
Tony Napoli & Gary Newman
Rick Nicita & Paula Wagner
Douglas J. Nieters
Joseph Obermayer
Paul Oppedisano
Overhills Foundation*
Michael Paleos
Gregg Passin
James Peters & Mark Fleisher
Erik Piecuch & Alex Wright
The Pietenpol Family
Peter Pileski in memory of Bob Avian
Kat Pinheiro & John Merenda
Gloria Piraino
Julie Plec
Frances Pu
Mary A. Qualls
Dr. Judith Quick
Ron Rafay
Ray Wetmore Productions
Jonathan Rebell & Noah Levine
Susan Cohen Rebell
Jana Rich & Jill Nash
Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation
Carol Risher
Jose Rojas Jr. & Nina A. Cavalli in memory of Austin Rojas
Rose Brand
Harry B. Rosenberg in loving memory of Adrienne Rosenberg
Sally Rosenberg & Bruce Charendoff
Jack Rouse
Moe Rouse
Norman Rubenstein
The Sartain and Tamez Family Trust Fund
Nick Scandalios
Schaffer Family Foundation
The Schroeder Family in memory of John T. Schroeder
Will Schwalbe & David Cheng
Adam Schwab
Jim Scully
Elliott R. Sernel
Jeannette Sessing
David Maurice Sharp
Ali Sher
Elliott L. Sirkin in honor of Chita Rivera, Carol Lawrence and Mickey Calin
John Smith & Edward Escoto
In memory of Michael Smith
The Spectrum Charitable Foundation
Ruth Stevens & David Olson
Steve Stone & Leslie Benedetto in honor of Max Marlo
Sweet Hospitality Group
Bill & Larry Tabbit-Humphrey
Amy F. Thompson
Jeffrey Trachtman & Peter Chao
Matthew D. Tumminello & Dominick J. Marangi
Tom Viola
Viramontes Family
Carol Waaser
Cindy Weil
Steve Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wiggers in memory of T. Thorne Wiggers
Scott Wilcox
Jeff Woodman in memory of Melvin Bernhardt
Doc Zorthian in honor of Ben Lipitz
Anonymous (7)
gifts from $1,000 to $2,499
Scott & Paula Aaronson in honor of Zach Aaronson
Amy Abrams
Actors’ Equity Foundation
Charles & Deborah Adelman*
Carol Aebersold
Richard Ahrens in loving memory of Gloria Rosenthal
Susan M. Allardice
Christine Amorossi
Sally Amoruso
Matthew Amsterdam
Lee R. Anisman M.D.
George Annarella in memory of his wife Corinne Guttman and his brother-in-law Les Guttman
The Apatow-Mann Family Foundation
Richard Appel
Chen Arad
Scott Archimbaud & Patrick Douglass
Charles Ardai
Michael Arellano & Tom Burley
Joan Arenstein
David Glenn Armstrong in joyful memory of Peter Frame
Jonathan Aronowitz & Bradley Scalise*
Scott D. Arsham
The Arthur Loeb Foundation
Austin Community Foundation
Dr. Don Bacigalupi & Daniel Feder
Jon Robin Baitz
Cornelius Baker
Robert L. Baker
Ian & Kim Band
Tobias Banks
John Bantivoglio
Marie E. Barbieri
Christopher & Paris Barclay
Laura Z. Barket
John Barnes & Charles Champagne
Scott Barnes in memory of Brian Kellow
Sena Baron*
The Barrington Foundation Inc.
Christopher Barth
Joy, Ben & Judge Baskin
Kari Bassett
Frederick & Kathy Baumann
Jennifer Beck
Beech Street Foundation
Gary J. Belis
Nan & Joe Benincasa
Taffy Benjamin
Carol & Walter Berman
Joni Bessler & Casey Baum
Shaul Betesh
Phil & Mary Beuth
Jon Bierman
Robert Billig & Richard Vida
Joe Billone
Jeff Blumenkrantz & Jeffrey Kwong
David Boger in memory of Terry Brenneis
Matthew Bonilla
Miranda Book & Linda Dingler
BOOM ~ Broadway Official Online Masterclass ~ Rory Hughes
Dave Boone
Diane Borger
The Boulder Family
Jeff Bova in memory of Doris Bova
Susan Bowman
Yvette Bowser
Loraine Alterman Boyle
Linda Pritz Boynton
Molly Brand & Kaitlin Brand
Shirley Brandman & Howard Shapiro
Kevin Breen in memory of Harry Gold
Hilde Breitbart
Kenneth Brendlinger & Paul Inver
Nyle Brenner
Betty Broadhurst
Thomas W. Brock
Terri Brody
Arthur Brost
Barry Brown & Douglas Cohn, D.V.M.
Jeffrey Brown & Anthony Tan
Daniel & Rhonda Bruening
Corey Brunish & Jessica Rose Brunish
Karen & David Brush
Catherine & Mike Buchwald
Gregg & Christine Buckbinder
Diana Buckhantz/Vladimir & Araxia Buckhantz Foundation
David Burke
Katherine Burton in honor of Dale Ellen Leff
Michelle L. Butler
Mr. Lem Byers & Mr. Derek Kuhl
Gary Bynum
Jeffrey D. Byrne*
Michael-Demby Cain*
Robert Callely
Judith Capawana
Steven M. Caplan Esq.
Caplin Foundation in memory of Ruth & Mortimer Caplin
Sarah & Frank Cardillo
Len Cariou & Heather Summerhayes
Debra & Kim Carmichael
The Carol Moss Foundation in honor of Kathryn Gallagher & The Gallagher Family
The Carole & Mike Miller Foundation
David Cartee
Frank Carucci & David Diamond celebrating LaMaMa’s 62nd Anniversary
Donna B. Case
Ronald Casty
Deborah & Steven Cavalier
Beth & George Caviness
Ken Cerniglia & Adrien Lanusse in memory of Bryan Louiselle
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Chalfant, Jr.
Stockard Channing
David Charak
Charles & Margaret Levin Family Foundation
David & Paula Leggett Chase
Chasin/Gilden Family Fund, at the Boston Foundation
Cheryl Wiesenfeld Productions LLC
James & Susan Clarke
Joseph M. Clement
Clinton A. Cobb
Evan Cohen
Brad & Kyong Coleman*
Lynn Coleman
Mary & Michael Conklin
Francois Conradie & Nick Smit
John Contratti
John Cook
Kevin Cook
Kenneth E. Cooke*
Jeffrey Corbin & Massimo Pacilli
Barry Cordes
Casey Cornelius
William Corsello
Frederick L. Corte Jr
Bronwen Cound & William Brody
William Cox
Nanette Crist
George Crow
Rob Crudden
The Cunin Family
Wojciech L. Czoch M.D.
Richard Dabbs
Mark Dalton
Duke Dang & Charles Rosen* in loving memory of David Panzer
Daniel Anthony Leone Trust in honor of Henry Winkler and in memory of John Ritter
Scott & Tonya Daniels
Leonard & Catherine Darby
David Beatty Fund of Stonewall Community Foundation
Cara David
Heather Davies
Camden Davis & Gregory McKnight
Clive Davis
Paula Kaminsky Davis
Yolanda Davis
Louis J. Denkovic
Mark D. Desky & James D. Mrkvicka
John P. DeWitt & Ghim Lay Yeo
Tim Devin*
Suzi Dietz
Patricia S. Dinner
Salvatore E. Dirschberger
Matt Donaldson & Steve Kyriakis
Linda Doyle
David & Shari Dreier
Chelsea Dunlap
Rachel Dvorken & Harry B. Rosenberg, Jr.
Earl and Margaret Chesson Charitable Endowment Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
Felice Ehrlich
The Ehrmann Family Fund
Valerie Eigner
Tim Eippert
Alan Eisenberg & Claire Copley in honor of Bernie Jacobs and Tom Viola
Andy Elisburg
Steven Elkin
Sam Ellis in honor of Valarie Silver Ellis
Eric Emeric
Herbert W Engert & Timothy Miller
Sabin Epstein
Lori & Mickey Etkin
Bonnie Pfeifer Evans*
David S. & Joan Evans
Shane Ewen
Kittie Fahey
Katie & Reade Fahs
Laura G. Fahsbender
David Fanger & Martin Wechsler*
Peter Farrell*
T.A. Fassburg
Robert Faust & Roger Kluge*
Sarah Jo Fazio
Vicky Feather
Bruce Feffer
Elaine Fieldman
Steven Filenbaum & Matthew Woolf, CFP
Donald M. Filicetti
Lothar Finke
Barry M. Fisher
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Joal Fischer & Debbie Langsam
Mark E. Fite
Megan P. Fitzgerald
Maggie Flanigan & Richard Dow
Robert S Fleischer & Susan L Raanan
Doug Fogel
Katherine Foley
Scott Wells Ford
Edward & Lori Forstein
Mark Fortier & Jay Pagano*
Keith Fox & Tom Keyes
Sara & Michael Frank
Richard Frankel & Kathleen Clark
Douglas Frantz
Erik Frantzen
Avram & Rhoda Freedberg in honor of Steve & Debbie Faber, Meir & Karen Brunelle, Judith Ehrenshaft, Jules Haimovitz, and Michael & Sandra Kamen
Jon Freedberg & Maren Roccamonte
Jonathan Freeman
Alison & Jim French*
Bart Freudlich & Julianne Moore
James B. Freydberg
Corey Friedlander*
David Friedman & Shawn Moninger
Merle Frimark in memory of James Rado
Pierre Frinault
David M. Fromm in memory of my partner Robert Motley
Susan Frost
Jill Furman
Jennifer Futch
Nancy Gallt
Marsi & Eric Gardiner
Tom & Judy Garey
Leslie & Johanna Garfield
Thomas Garner*
Tami & Robert Garriott
David Gaudette & David Maue
Danni Gee* in honor of Ulysses Dove
Bruce & Alice Geismar
Bryan George & Stephen Pielocik
George Zuber & Anthony Snyder Charitable Fund at Our Fund Inc.
Todd Geringswald
Amy Gewirtz
Kimberly & Ed Gibbons
Jillian Gibbs
Sue Gilad
Tyler Gildan
Denise & Keith Gillen
Bruce & Suzanne Glassman
Joan Glatman
Marcia Goldberg & Paul Garrity
Barbara Golden
Deborah & Jonathan Goldman
Sam Gonzalez
Gina & Kevin Gore
Neal Gorman & David Mann
Stefanie M. Gorman
Barbara Gottlieb
Robert & Wendy Grady
Jennifer Graff
Dane Grams
Nancy Kellogg Gray in honor of Danny Whitman
Gerard & Lynn Greco
Janet Greene & Chap Chapman
Steve Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Greenstein
Mark Greenwald
Emily Grishman & Susan Sampliner
Carol & Bill Gross
Joli L. Gross
Grossman Family Charitable Funds
Barry & Maggie Grove
Dr. Jeffrey & Mr. Gerald Grove
Jane Groveman & Cathy Tanelli*
Binan Gu
Chris Guimarin
Steven Guy
John Hadity
Edward Hale & Scott Smith
Diann Hall in memory of John Rainwater
John Halpin in honor of the Leadership Council
Elizabeth Halverstam
Christina & Jerry Hamilton
Katie Hangley & Howard Simon
David G. Hanna* in memory of George & Norma Jane Hanna
Deborah & Gregg Hanson
Rachel Harley in honor of Mark Stine
Carrie Anne K. Harrell
Michael P. Harrell
The Harriet Greenfield Foundation, Inc.
Catherine Harris
Harris Family Foundation in honor of Michael Riedel
Tom Harvey & Manny Correia
Geri & Rich Hastings
Jeffrey Hayenga & Michael Belanger
Lisa Heimann & Family
Matthew Helmerich in honor of Douglas Ward
Matty Helton
Stephen Henry
Donna Heppermann
Scott Hillier
Jerry Hirsch
Jason Hodes
Jim Hoelz & William Welsh
Eileen S. Hoffman
Marguerite Hoffman
Richard Hoffman Jr & Elizabeth Hoffman
Cliff Hopkins
Craig J. Horsley
Larry Howard
Daphne Hsu & Jeff Rosen*
Bob & Tim Huber-Fischer
Dr. Jaime S. Huertas & Kenneth A. O’Brien*
The Human Fund/Mr. Denivaldo G. Dasilva & Ms. Sabrina Vasquenz-Dasilva
Roger Hyde & Mark Gibson*
Peter L. Ianniello, PhD
Arthur & Jane Indursky
Jeffrey L. Jackman
Jimmy Jackson
Waldo & Jeanne Jackson
Tracy Jamar in loving memory of Monty Silver
Keith & Patti James
Thai Jason in honor of Tom Viola
Jerl Machine Inc.
Stephanie Joel
The John W Harris Family Foundation
Gina Purlia Johnson & Kent Johnson
Barbara Jolson
Cherry Jones in memory of Mark Fotopoulos
Kemarie Jorgensen
Barbara Josso & Liz Miloscia
Stacie Julian
Jessica Kahn & Scott Bieker
Joe & Jill Kale
Richard Kantor
Rita & Henry Kaplan
David A. Karlson
Mary Kaslick
Tom Kazmark
Shoshannah & Kevin Schraven
Karin & Greg Kayne
Maureen Keller & David L. Feinberg
James Kelliher
Jason Kelliher & Brian Rice
Max Kellogg
Samantha S. Kennedy
David Kernahan
Mitchell & Julie Kertzman
Jerianne S. Kladder
Virginia Klunder
Gary Knapp
Kathrin Knauf
David & Jennifer Knickel
David J Knight
Chris & Kelly Koenig
Anne Kolar
Brian Koll & David Altarac in memory of Dora Hipscher
Konigsberg Family Fund
Dr. Ram Koppaka
Sarah Korda
Alix Korey & Randy Hansen
Sue Kroll
Robert J. Kunikoff
Michael Kuzma
Phil Laduca
The Lambs Foundation
Craig & Sherri Landauer
Deborah & Rocco Landesman
Stephen & Kristina Lang
Mark Lanspa
Bishop Alexis Larue
Jay Laudato & Thomas Watson
Cyndi Lauper
Brian Lawlor
Winston Bernard Layne*
Ginna Le Vine
Victoria McNeil Le Vine
Aster Leach & Family
Sandy & Michael Leahy
Michael & Jenna Lebowich
Mark Lee
Stephanie Lee/Group Sales Box Office
Hal & Jill Leibowitz
Carol Leif
Christopher Lennertz
Jill Lesser & Jonathan Diesenhaus
Telly Leung & James Babcock
Abbe Levin
Phyllis Levinthal in memory of Ruth & Sheldon Levinthal
Bjorn Liencres
Daniel Limerick
Jeff Lindsay
Mark D. Lingenfelter
Linkletter Family
Rosalind Lippel*
Stuart Lippner in memory of Roberta Romano
Helen R. Litt, The Litt Family Foundation in memory of Robert de Michiel
Kris Lockley
Mindy Loiselle & Lanny Levenson
Ann & Bruce Loeb
David & Angelica Longo
John T Love & Jeni Love
Frank E. Lucente in memory of Stephen Saikin
Donna & Larry Ludwig
Steve Lukens
Nancy Lukitsh
Daniel Lundberg
Steven F. Lutz
Kevin R. Lyle & Renee Chatelain
Mark & William Macatee
Kelly McCormick & Jonathan Blake
Drew MacDonald
Patrick Mahoney & C. Martin Hicks
Mains Family Foundation
Scott Mallalieu & Nat Fuchs
Brian Maly
Robin & Stewart Mann
Barbara Brooke Manning
Jesse Manocherian
Judith Manocherian
Barbara & Jeffrey Marcus
Charles & Diane Marino
Thomas Marino
Barbara Marshall
Marshall Family Charitable Foundation
Knox Martin*
Jane & G. Dennis Mason
John & Michelle Matteson*
Scott & Harriet Mauro
Gail Mautner and Mario Shaunette
Heather McAdam
Elizabeth I. McCann
Mary Beth & Dave McDonough in memory of Eileen Deehan
Kevin B. McGowan
John & Connie McGuire
James McKenzie
Lisa Medero
David Mednikov
Meltsner Strategies
Kim Memeger
Janis & Alan Menken
Neil Meron
Michael Halebian & Co. Inc.
Michael J. Zamkow & Sue E. Berman Charitable Foundation
Nancy Milasnovich Sympson
Cassandra M. Milbury in honor of E. Van Milbury
Gail Miller in celebration of Sophia Smith
Richard Miller & Roberto Konishi
David Miner
Jonathan Mintzer
Brian Stokes Mitchell & Allyson Tucker in honor of Tom Viola, Paul Libin and Phil Birsh
Eric Mogilnicki & Peggy Dotzel
Dr. James J. Mohr
Kathleen Moloney
Mary Ann Moore
Rex Morgan
Sharon Moriarty
Elizabeth Morton in memory of Elizabeth Wilson
Adele Mouzon & Mark Perry
Scott & Holley Mosley
Sandy Mulligan
Nao Murakami
Murray Family Foundation
Stacey & Joshua Nadell
Kes & Laura Narbutas
Linda & Stuart Nelson
Ruth Nerken
Maury Newburger
No Guarantees
Albert Nocciolino
Sandy & Ellen Nusbaum
David O’Brien
Greg Ohanesian & Judy McLaughlin
Brian Ogilvie
Janice Oresman
Jim Ornstein
Joseph J. Palermo & Justin W. Sherwood
Gabrielle & Michael Palitz
Todd Palmer
Monica Parekh
Tim & Diane Parks
Philip Paroian
Richard Patt
The Paul & Emily Singer Family Foundation
Stavros Pavlakis & Alison Fraser
Ralph L. Pellecchio & James C. Wernz, M.D.
Jeff Perlis
Greg & Tracey Petersen
Timothy & Suzanne Peterson
Theresa & Pete Piliero
PM LaMay Family Trust
David Porter
Charles Potts & Barron Segar
Arabella S. Powell in memory of Darius Barnes
Melody A. Powell in honor of John Michael Schott
Belinda Presser
Stephen R. Prest
Paige Price & Nevin Steinberg
Rolande Prince
Sarah Prinsloo & Dean Rosow
Jordan & Rami Raff
Christopher Ranous
Eileen & James Rath
Andrea & Dennis Ratner
Gary Reback
Rosalind Reed*
Dr. Eric Reiner*
Norman & Sandy Reisman in loving memory of Artie Gaffin
Teresa Reyes & Martin Monas*
Michelle & Dyson Richards
Michael Risinger
Rita & Jeffrey Adler Family Foundation
Anne & Thomas Robinson
Jonathan Rock & Patrick DelaCruz
Rodger Hess Productions
Nancy & Paul Rodriguez
Susan Rodriguez & Charles Lowrey
Larry Rogowsky
Lispet N. Roland
Pamella Roland
Matt Romansky & Emily Greenstein
David Romero & David Greiss
Rick Rosemarin
Kim & Ralph Rosenberg in honor of Sally Rosenberg
Samuel W. Rosenblatt
Ryan A. Ross & Steven Ross
Paul Rossi
Karen M. Roth*
Bert & Mary Rouleau
Randolph & Diane Rowe
Phil & Dawn Rudolph
Michael Ruppal & Jim Roth
Barry A. Russell PhD in honor of Jason Opsahl
Ron Rydarowicz & Bill Figner
TJ Saad
Wynn J. Salisch
Rina L. Saltzman
Calvin Sanchez in memory of Nick Cordero
Polly Weintz Sanna
Nina F. Sax, MD
Linda Scenna
Sarah Schaettle
Susan & Stephen Scherr in honor of Ellen Greenwald
Valeria & William Schiemann
Carolyn Schiff & Noah Millman
Fred Schiffman
Steven J. Schimmel
Leah Schloss
Joe & Barbara Schmidt
Michael Schober & Don Harrison
Allison Schultz
Jeanne Schultz
John E Schumacher in honor of Joan Johns Schumacher
Laurie & Owen Schwartz
Lisa Dawn & Joe Schwarz
Jennifer Scott
Paul & Kate Seavey
Katie & Jim Sebastian
John Eric Sebesta & William Tomai
Richard Seer & Doug Wallingford
Debra & Michael Segal
Paul Segal
Heidi Seizinger
Seniel Ostrow Foundation, Sara, Samantha Widzer and Family
Lee Seymour
Desta & Roland Shaw
Eric Shearin
Erika Sheehan
Kenneth G. Shelley
Irene Shen*
David Shmerler
Bennett & Mary Shuldman
Richard Siegmeister
Silva Theatrical Group
Dan Silver & Doug Martino
Harrison Simmons Epstein
Nancy L. Simon
Ed Simonelli & Hernando Cortez Jr*
Charles & Pat Haynes Sislen
Cathy & Bob Smith
Clark Smith
Michael Smith
Peggy & Stan Smith in honor of Steve Friedman
James K. Sokol
Talya Sokoll
Geula Solomon
Nicholas & Barrie Somers
Jeff Soref & Paul Lombardi
Jai Srinivasan
Irwin Srob
The Stanton Family
Start It! Foundation
Andrew W. Stern
Sandra Stern
Eric Stine
David Strassler
Meryl Streep & Don Gummer
Stuart S. Applebaum Giving Foundation in memory of Mr. Vincent Virda
Veena Sud
Stephen L. Sweet Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Ronald J. Szabo
Christopher Taggart & Tim Roberts
Rod Tailford & Mark Flickinger
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Taubeneck
John Taylor
Josh Taylor & Joseph Grossmann
Hal Tepfer & Stacie Simon
Stephen Thayer & Howard Terry
Neal Thomas
Bobby Conte Thornton, Lisa Conte & Napo
Teresa Throenle-Somaini
Dwight Tierney & Dina Nathanson
Natalie Tierney
Aaron Tievsky
Henry Tisch
Keith S. Tobin, M.D.
Stacey Tobin
Lila & George Todd
Laura & Stephen Toma
Jennifer Trepeck in honor of Sue Gilad
Seth Tribble & David Vansuch
John Truran & Gregory Naranjo
Scott Trzaskawka
Paul & Frances Turner
Bob Tuschman
Mark Tynan
David Umbach
William and Jo Vanderbeek
Verna Vanis
Dr. Anthony F. Verdi & Mr. Mark A. Mainville
Marcie Vort
Suzyn Waldman
Lucy R. Waletzky, MD
Allen Walker
Bethe Ward
Steven Warheit & Jean Christensen
Timothy Warmath & Edward Comber*
Dr. Robert Warner in honor of Eli Faber
Dawn & Jim Watson
Marcia Weber & James Flaws
Arthur E. Webster, Esq.
Sandra Wegman
Marjorie Weinman
Ira M. Weitzman
Linda Wellendorf
John Weltman & Cliff Atkins in honor of David Kuehn & Tedi Marsh
Lucille Werlinich
Carol & Tom Wheeler
Nancy A. Wheeler
Gina White in honor of James Davis
Kat White
Todd M. Whitley & Gary O. Holder* in loving memory of James Roe
Danny Whitman & Robert Bartley in memory of Francine Whitman
Lois Whitman
Channing Wickham
Charlotte Wilcox in remembrance of Gary Gunas
Miles Wilkin in memory of Stuart Thompson
Janice Willett
Lisa Williamson
Skye Wilson
Alison Wintman in honor of Sherri Goldberg
Jacqueline Wladis
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas & Barbara Wright
Supriya Wronkiewicz
Joshua Yankovic
Lori A. Yaspan
Llewellyn Young & Terence Law*
Jean M. Zajac
Sonni Zambino in memory of Panchali & Scott
Alan Zarky & Helen Halpert
David Ziff & Alan Bell
Christian Zimmermann* in loving memory of my beloved husband Richard M. Kielar
Alan Zucker
Zufall Family Foundation*
Elliot Zulver & Sally Gold
Anonymous (35)
*Indicates members of the DRA Angels Circle
**Indicates members of the Broadway Cares and DRA Angels Circle
As of September 30, 2023
Corporate Partners
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is fortunate to have the continued support of a broad range of corporate partners.

With $91.2 billion in assets, City National Bank provides banking, investment and trust services through 68 branches, including 22 full-service regional centers, in Southern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, Nevada, New York City, Nashville, Atlanta, Washington, D.C. and Miami*. In addition, the company and its investment affiliates manage or administer $83.0 billion in client investment assets.
City National is a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), one of the world’s leading diversified financial services companies. RBC serves more than 17 million personal, business, public sector and institutional clients through offices in Canada, the United States and 27 other countries.
For more information about City National, visit the company’s website at *City National Bank does business in Miami and the state of Florida as CN Bank.

M·A·C VIVA GLAM is the brand’s philanthropic campaign where 100% of the selling price of VIVA GLAM Lipstick is donated to organizations and programs aimed at creating healthy futures and equal rights for All Ages, All Races, All Genders.

Since 1884, Playbill has become synonymous with the legitimate theater, serving 3.5 million theatergoers monthly with its beloved programs found in Broadway houses, theaters and fine arts venues across the country.

United’s shared purpose is “Connecting People. Uniting the World.” From our U.S. hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., United operates the most comprehensive global route network among North American carriers. United is bringing back our customers’ favorite destinations and adding new ones on its way to becoming the world’s best airline.

ViiV Healthcare is the only company solely focused on HIV and AIDS and is committed to disrupting disparities in care for those most disproportionately impacted by HIV and AIDS. ViiV Healthcare is proud to support Broadway Cares and all they do to support community organizations in the movement to end the HIV epidemic.

As the philanthropic heart of the Broadway community, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is able to connect major corporate brands with one of the nation’s foremost creative industries and our most loyal supporters. We are also able to ensure that a corporation’s support reaches into nearly every community in the country through our National Grants Program.
Our Corporate Partners are able to build brand loyalty among millions of people associated with Broadway, be it on tour, onstage, backstage or in the audience.
Partner with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS on a broad range of projects that could include annual partnership, event sponsorship, customized programming, cash and in-kind donations.
We salute these generous partners for their compassionate commitment to making a difference.
For more information about corporate partnership, event sponsorship or opportunities to bring a bit of Broadway magic to your next corporate or private event, please contact Susan Slotoroff, senior partnership officer, at
Colleen Dewhurst Legacy Society

The Colleen Dewhurst Legacy Society is the planned giving program of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, honoring those who have included Broadway Cares in their estate plan or will.
The society is named for the late Colleen Dewhurst, the Tony Award-winning actor and past president of Actors’ Equity Association. She pioneered the formation of the Equity Fights AIDS Committee, which merged with Broadway Cares in 1992 to become the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS of today.
“I’m so proud of what we do for each other. There are so many people who thought this thing would never go. That it couldn’t be done. But it happened anyway because so many people came forward and, in many different ways, made it happen. And to this very day, I love you all for that.”
– Colleen Dewhurst, June 1991
Joining the Colleen Dewhurst Legacy Society ensures that the values that mean so much to you will extend far into the future.
Please contact Nick Mayo, major gifts and planned giving officer, at for information on how to include Broadway Cares in your estate plan or will.
In fiscal year 2023, gifts to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS were received from the following estates:
John W Dewes
Margaret Hebekeuser
Michael Hayward Jones
Arnold E Lagerroos
Elizabeth I. McCann
Mark Steven Ross Michaels
Susan Linda Schulman
Shaw Family Trust
Joseph Short Annie Zimmerman
The following people have provided for an estate or other planned gift to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS:
Beverly Abercrombie
Lee R. Anisman M.D.
Andrew D. Austin
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery
Bradie Barr
Chad Beguelin & Thomas Sleeman
Elaine Berger
Phil & Mary Beuth
Walter Bobbie & David Frye
Ann Marie & Robert Borsdorf
Paul Boskind
John Bowab
Katherine Brader
Roy Brayton & Mickey Sullivan
Anita Briggs
Marcie Brooks
Robert L. Bullock
Kirsten Burkhart
Priscilla Calder-Spielholz
Robert Callely
Liz Caplan & Doug Maxwell
Christopher Cara
Andrew Caravella
Charles S. Carpenter
David Cartee
Dr. Oscar Chamudes
Emily Chen
Tiffini Chow & Graham Hill
Barbara Cohen-Stratyner
James E. Conte
Frank Conway
Larry Cosand
Thomas Cott
Katherine Crimmins
Jamie deRoy
Danny Duncan
Alan Eisenberg & Claire Copley
Susanna Erdos
Robert Evers
Judith A. Fanelli
Leonard Feigenblatt
Kenneth Finkelstein
William Fitzgerald
Glendon French
Kenneth R. Fulton
Grant Gardner
Matthew Geltmaker
Thomas J. Gentile
Barry Glatt
John Glover
Kevin Goetz
Dane Grams
Leslie G. Gutierrez
John Halpin
Carrie Anne K. Harrell
William D. Hawkins
Joseph R. Heller, Ph.D. & Frank Ptak
Melody Henshaw
Robert Hertzig
Geoffrey Hoefer & Thomas Wei
Eileen S. Hoffman
Blane Hopkins
Kathy Inch
Carol A. Ingram
Jeffrey L. Jackman
Stephanie Joel
Peter Kaczorowski
Henry Kaplan
Elissa Kartman
Milton Kean
Robert W. Kilgore & Edward A. Richmond
Roger Kluge
Ron Kollen
Belinda J. Kotin
Robert J. Kunikoff
Adam Kurtzman
Jay Laudato & Thomas Watson
Jay B. Lesiger and Tom Klebba
Lou Liberatore
Richard Lin and Evan Zazula
Stuart Lippner
Bruce H. Lipstadt
Fred Lloyd
Steven F. Lutz
Mark & William Macatee
James S Marcus
Leslie Mayer
Richard McCune & Brian Carroll
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
David R. McShane
Robert Meier
Bill Melamed Jr.
Keith A. Miller
Terri Miller
Tollie Miller
Jerry Mitchell
Jane H. Molloy
Ira Mont
Debra Monk
Oscar E. Moore
William Morey
Michael Morris
Michael D.Mullen
Sandy Mulligan
Tony Napoli & Gary Newman
Judith Nelson
Nathan Noh
Karen E. Nothmann
James O’Neil Jr
Gilbert Parker
Thompson Patton
Bobby Pearce
Lee Perlman & Linda Riefberg
Peter Pileski in memory of Bob Avian
Rory Pottruck
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Jana Rich
Michael Risinger
Robert Rizzo
Mark Robinson
Amy Rosenthal
Marion J. Ross
Stuart Ross
Kimberly Russell
Robert Russell
Ben Ryan
Wendy B. Samuel
Tina Scaran
Jo Schifter
Jack Schlegel
Susan L. Schulman
Thomas Schultheis
Brian Semple
Jeremy Sheppe
Jayne B. Sherman
Hannah R. Shipley
David Shmerler
Joann Skorupski
Margaret Small
Marion Duckworth Smith
Frank Spring
Peggy Stamper
Hollis Stern
John Strangi
Mayo Stuntz
Alfred Szymanski
Kieran Turner
Scott Vandermyde
Dr. Anthony F. Verdi & Mr. Mark A. Mainville
Mark Viviano & Randy Triezenberg
Carol Waaser
Douglas J. Ward & Earl Johnson
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Jeff Woodman & Melvin Bernhardt
Kevin Woodworth
Matthew Woolf and Steven Filenbaum
Philip Wright
Carolyn Zaput
Doc Zorthian
We salute our many friends and colleagues who are no longer with us and left planned gifts to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Jack Abrahams
Louise Alexander
Walter Alford
Sam Altman
Florence Anglin
Frank Argiro
Rose Ascenzi
Marie Becker
Francine Beers
Harry Bennett
Melvin Bernhardt
Judith Binus
Eva Block
Robert L. Borod
Lester Bowman
Monica Boyar
Roy Bradley
Aron Bromberg
Alice C. Brown
Frances S. Chaiken
Jerome S. Clark
Alvin Colt
Dolores Gray Crevolin
Patricia Croft
Alvin C. Davis
Basil Debusky
Gene Dickey
Elaine D. Dooman
Sophie Eisler
Michael Filerman
Murray Fishman
Aaron Frankel
Roger Franklin
Artie Gaffin
Dr. Vincent Gambino
Harry S. Gold
Joyce Golden
Robert D. Gonzales
Christopher Gorman
Andrew J. Greenhut
Charles Hamlen
Michael F. Hartig
Jerry Herman
Joan Houseman
Barry Allen Johnson
Kenneth Scott Kasman
Mary L. Laslo
Richard Alan Lerner
Linda Lipson
Paul R. Lipson
Howard L. Marcou
Reverend Richard Mietzelfeld
Edward Orgoglioso
Richard D. Overton
Gail Perlman
Warren Pincus
Christine Plath
Bernard B. Plotkin
Heinz Poll & Thomas Skelton
Katherine Schrier
Abraham Raskin
Marty Richards & Mary Lea Johnson Richards
Gerald L. Ritholz & Ray Jarvis
Paul L. Ross
Gordon T. Salter
David Semonin
Eileen R. Shields
Robert Sinacore
Eileen T. Stapleton
Milton J. Tatelman
David Paul Taylor
Gwen Verdon
Samuel J. Waddell Jr.
Marcella Weinberg
Julius Wittman
Board of Trustees
Robert E. Wankel, President
Thomas Schumacher, Executive Vice President
Ira Mont, First Vice President
Schele Williams, Second Vice President
Tom Kirdahy, Third Vice President
Philip Birsh, Treasurer
Judith Rice, Secretary
Paul Libin, President Emeritus
Ted Arthur
Cornelius Baker
Joseph Benincasa
David Binder
Chris Boneau
Barry Brown
Kate Burton
Lisa Dawn Cave
Kathleen Chalfant
Sherry Cohen
Gavin Creel
Alan Cumming
Maria Di Dia
Linda Duncombe
Mandy Gonzalez
Amanda Green
Tom Harris
Richard Hester
Richard Jay-Alexander
Beverly Jenkins
Cherry Jones
Frances Jue
Adam Krauthamer
Nathan Lane
Peter Lawrence
Joe Machota
Kimberly Marable
Kevin McCollum
Jerry Mitchell
Brian Moreland
Javier Muñoz
John Eric Parker
Bernadette Peters
Billy Porter
Lauren Reid
Chita Rivera
Jordan Roth
Nick Scandalios
Mark Shacket
Kate Shindle
Charlotte St. Martin
David Stone
Tom Viola (ex-officio)
Channing Wickham
As of September 30, 2023
Tom Viola, Executive Director
Lane Beauchamp, Director of Communications
Larry Cook, Director of Finance & Administration
Ken McGee, Producing Director
Danny Whitman, Director of Development
James Cella
Michael Carmine Di Bianco
Trisha Doss
Nathan Hurlin
Jason Kooistra
Dan Perry
Scott T. Stevens
Mo Brady
Al Dawkins
Jenny Garcia
Dominic Grijalva
Melissa Magliula
Víctor Rodríguez
Desney Scoby
Danielle Stecki
Jenna Adamek
Sarah Cardillo
Cat Domiano
Maureen “Mo” Fenninger
Lori Feren
Brian Marshall
Taylor Mattes
Nick Mayo
Jack Noseworthy
Susan Slotoroff
Julianna Whalen
Finance & Administration
Michelle Abesamis
Ngoc Ha Bui
R. Keith Bullock
Ed Garrison
Donald Huppert
Rose M. James
Michael McLean
Brian O’Donnell
Michael Paulsen
Madeline Reed
Retail Outreach
Bayne Alexander
Peter Borzotta
Feliziano Flores
Dancers Responding to AIDS & Classical Action
Denise Roberts Hurlin
Abigail Richards
As of September 30, 2023
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