Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
What we do together, makes a difference

Annual Report 2016
October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016
From the President and the Executive Director
September 2017
Dear Friend and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Donor:
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS through our online Annual Report for fiscal year 2016 (October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016).
Energized by your stalwart support, we have never been more committed in our fight for those whose voices have been silenced or marginalized. We will not allow fear or hate to impede the progress we have made. Lives depend on that. When basic human rights are at risk, we have to keep working together to make a difference.
With your help, in fiscal year 2016 we provided support to 462 HIV/AIDS and family service organizations in all 50 states. The national grants program assisted food banks and meal delivery programs, health clinics, housing programs and more.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS has also continued to offer a safety net to our friends and champions in the entertainment community through The Actors Fund. We helped provide the initial funding for the creation of the Samuel J. Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts in midtown Manhattan, while continuing to support the essential social service programs of The Actors Fund: the HIV/AIDS Initiative, the Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative, the Artists Health Information Resource Center, Addiction and Recovery Services, the Actors Fund Career Center and The Dancers’ Resource. With your help, everyone in the industry has access to the vital services The Actors Fund provides.
Broadway Cares’ support for the programs of The Actors Fund reached $5.6 million in fiscal year 2016, while our National Grants Program awarded $6.6 million to AIDS and family service organizations nationwide.
Our work as a nonprofit fundraising and grant-making organization is built on our collective passion. A passion to fight for social justice and equality, and to stand against those whose political efforts or policies would demean or diminish the well-being of those for whom we work.

Paul Libin, President

Tom Viola, Executive Director

Paul Libin, President

Tom Viola, Executive Director
Where Does All The Money Go?

Financial Statements Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF)
IRS Form 990 Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF)
The Actors Fund
Javier Muñoz, who’s starring in the megahit Broadway musical Hamilton, knows firsthand how difficult it can be to afford medical care while working in the entertainment industry. He was diagnosed with HIV when he was just starting out as an actor.
“I spent about two days in complete and utter depression, not sure about what options I had,” Muñoz said. “I had no money to pay for medications, and I didn’t know how to even start.”
For a helping hand, Muñoz turned to The Actors Fund and its HIV/AIDS Initiative, which Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS helped create and continues to be its major funder.
“For an artist who doesn’t always work all the time, doesn’t always have insurance all the time, The Actors Fund knows exactly what our needs are, and there’s integrity in whatever the need is.” Muñoz said.
The collaborative relationship between Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and The Actors Fund began three decades ago. This partnership has allowed our fundraising success to contribute directly to the vital programs The Fund provides to all professionals in the entertainment community. Again in fiscal year 2016, Broadway Cares is proud to be the single largest financial supporter of The Actors Fund.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS supports the essential social service programs at The Actors Fund, including the HIV/AIDS Initiative, the Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative, the Al Hirschfeld Free Health Clinic, the Career Center and The Dancers’ Resource, as well as numerous projects such as The New York Stage Managers Unofficial Health Directory and more.
Since 1988, BC/EFA has granted more than $84 million to The Actors Fund to support these vital initiatives and programs.
In fiscal year 2016, BC/EFA awarded $5.6 million to The Actors Fund.
Support for The Actors Fund
HIV/AIDS Initiative | $2,000,000 |
Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative | $810,000 |
Al Hirschfeld Free Health Clinic | $600,000 |
Friedman Clinic Capital Campaign One-time gift |
$500,000 |
Artists Health Insurance Resource Center | $400,000 |
Addiction and Recovery Services | $400,000 |
Career Center (formerly Actors Fund Work Program) | $300,000 |
The Dancers’ Resource | $310,000 |
The Stage Managers’ Project | $200,000 |
Miscellaneous Annual gala, memorial donations, benefit support, etc. |
$82,550 |
Total: 5,602,550 |
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS also supported the Stage Managers’ Project with a grant of $200,000 for the print and online version of The New York Stage Managers Unofficial Health Directory, as well as $82,550 for The Actors Fund annual gala, memorial donations, benefit support and other smaller donations. The Actors Fund was also given a one-time gift to move the Hirschfeld Clinic to the new Samuel J. Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts, which opened in March 2017.
Through our partnership with The Actors Fund, Broadway Cares has touched the lives of thousands of entertainment professionals living with HIV/AIDS or coping with a variety of other health issues, emergencies and challenges.
Muñoz knows he wouldn’t have the career success he enjoys today if he hadn’t reached out to The Actors Fund.
“For the first time I got help within my community,” Muñoz said. “I’ve never felt so much comfort and safety. I truly felt like I belonged.”
For more information about The Actors Fund, visit
National Grants
In Manhattan’s diverse neighborhood of Harlem, the incidence of HIV/AIDS is staggering. With limited access to quality care, education and treatment, the rate of infection is five times the national average and HIV-positive people in Harlem are 50 percent more likely to die than in Manhattan as a whole.
“I was at my lowest when I was first diagnosed,” Fayetta, who’s been living with HIV for 30 years, said. “I couldn’t get more depressed. I didn’t even want to wake up anymore. At the time, it seemed like the worst news in the world.”
Feeling alone and disheartened, Fayetta reached out to Harlem United Community AIDS Center, one of the 462 AIDS and family service organizations nationwide that received a grant in 2016 from Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. There, she found help and hope.
In fiscal year 2016, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS awarded nearly $12.6 million in grants. Of that, $6.6 million was awarded to AIDS and family service providers across the country. The remaining $5.6 million went to support essential programs at The Actors Fund.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS awards its national grants in three rounds. The first round funds food service and meal delivery programs, which are essential for lifesaving medical regimens to have a lasting impact. The second round provides grants to nationally recognized AIDS service organizations, health clinics and advocacy organizations.
The third round supports social service organizations whose essential work enhances the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS and supports the integrity of families, by every definition of the word, who live each day with the multiple challenges of this disease. This grant round covers four categories: Direct Services; Emergency Financial Assistance; Harm Reduction Programs and Quality of Life Services.
2016 National Grants
Food Service and Meal Delivery Programs | $1,885,000 |
Nationally Recognized AIDS Service and Advocacy Organizations | $842,000 |
Local AIDS Service Organizations | $2,289,400 |
Supplemental Emergency Grants | $591,578 |
Theatre Community Service Organizations, Research Grants, Special One-time and Share Support | $902,779 |
Physician Volunteers for the Arts | $75,000 |
Total: $6,585,757 |
In today’s political climate, funding for these vital organizations is increasingly at risk. To make matters worse, many regions are seeing increased AIDS diagnoses. For example, the percentage of people in Orange County, CA, diagnosed and living with HIV/AIDS rose 66 percent during the past decade. To reach these at-risk individuals, AIDS Services Foundation Orange County assists people living with HIV/AIDS who are at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty line of $11,880 earned per year.
Sharon, a longtime client of the organization, would not be where she is today without the help of AIDS Services Foundation, which received a $10,000 grant in Broadway Cares’ food grants round.
“I have been a client since 1999 and they were like my family when I was left alone to deal with so many health issues,” Sharon said. “They were my family during this painful journey in my life. After being alone for so long and without help, getting sicker and sicker every year, it was so wonderful to have this amazing resource.”
Stacie Lechot, executive director of North Idaho AIDS Coalition in Coeur d’Alene, said there’s no describing what it means to her clients. “It’s giving them food for a week and gas cards to get to the pharmacy or to the doctor or a food bank,” she said. “It’s so touching to know that people who don’t even know who we are – or even where Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is – are making lives better for so many people here.”
2016 National Grantees by State
Please use the drop-down box below to view all the agencies BC/EFA funded in Fiscal Year 2016 by state.
International Grantees
International actors and Broadway shows originating overseas have long been participating in Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ twice-yearly audience appeals. They are valued and crucial fundraisers for the organization. To celebrate their efforts, Broadway Cares grants a portion of the funds they help raise to HIV/AIDS service organizations in their native countries.
These international charities are chosen and introduced to Broadway Cares by the company members who inspired the donation. Once the organization’s charitable status has been confirmed by Broadway Cares, a grant on behalf of the company is donated abroad.
In fiscal year 2016, Broadway Cares made grants to international organizations totaling $391,200 to AIDS service organizations outside the United States.
A key focus for Broadway Cares’ international grants round is South Africa. The incidence of HIV/AIDS in South Africa remains among the highest in the world as 7 million people live with the disease. It’s a reality that continues to hit close to the heart for many in the cast of Disney’s acclaimed production of The Lion King. As natives of South Africa, they’ve seen the epidemic’s toll first-hand in their hometowns and villages.
Inspired by The Lion King’s enthusiastic fundraising efforts, more than $4.4 million has been awarded in grants to South African HIV/AIDS organizations since The Lion King opened on Broadway. In 2016, $336,500 was shared with 24 service providers identified by the South African actors in the Broadway and national touring companies of The Lion King. As the AIDS pandemic continues to devastate this region, funding for South African organizations will remain a priority for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
International Grants
South Africa | $336,500 |
The AFC (formerly Actors’ Fund of Canada) | $54,700 |
Total: $391,200 |
Angels Circle
Angels are donors who support Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS with unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more during a single fiscal year. These gifts are especially notable as they are a unique, special core of donors whose gifts were not in relation to the purchase of merchandise or event tickets. These generous donations directly fund Broadway Cares’ grants, which are ultimately distributed to the vital social service programs of The Actors Fund and HIV/AIDS service organizations in all 50 states.
In Broadway terms, an “angel” is an investor in a theatre production. In exchange for the financial investment, angels are historically given the best seats in the house as the show could not exist without their contribution. The Angels Circle creates a similar tradition, granting Broadway Cares Angels VIP status within the organization, along with numerous additional benefits.
In addition to the Angels Circle, significant funds are generated through various BC/EFA annual and one-time special events, such as Easter Bonnet Competition, Gypsy of the Year, Broadway Flea Market & Grand Auction, Broadway Bares and Broadway Backwards. Considerable financial support also comes to us through our Care-Tix and CareCard programs. Contributions from all these sources are vital to Broadway Cares.
The names below are those who have supported Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS with contributions of $1,000 or more during our fiscal year 2016, from October 1, 2015, to September 30, 2016.
Names in bold indicate Archangels, donors who have increased their gift by 25 percent or more over the past year.
Executive Producer
(Gifts of $100,000 and above)
The Fred Ebb Foundation
Harriett Kittner & The Samuel & Rebecca Kardon Foundation
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
(Gifts from $50,000 to $99,999)
The Shubert Organization
The Estate of Robert Sinacore in memory of Dr. Malcolm Berg (Our Love Lives On)
(Gifts from $25,000 to $49,999)
Laura M. Boedeker
Jules Fisher & Graciela Daniele
Myrna & Freddie Gershon remember Marvin Hamlisch, Peter Allen, Tom Eyen, Arthur Laurents, Marty Richards and Lou Reed
Granny B. & P. Foundation
H. van Ameringen Foundation
John W. Holloway
The Palette Fund
Happy Shipley in memory of John T. Rowe, Jr.
Hollis Stern
The Ted Snowdon Foundation
Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch
House Seat
(Gifts from $10,000 to $24,999)
James D. Akins, Jr.
Willard Beckham
Paul Boskind
City National Bank
The Column Awards
Disney Worldwide Services Inc.
William W. Donnell
The Edith Meiser Foundation in memory of Irving Cheskin
George W. Schaeffer Foundation
James C. Hormel & Michael P. Nguyen
William J. Levy
Florence Rowe Libin & Paul Libin
Mary D. Fisher Fund
Mary Lea Johnson Richards 1997 Charitable Trust in memory of Mary Lea Johnson Richards & Martin Richards
Jane Morison
Newman’s Own Foundation
Frank Duff & John Okuloski
Tony Origlio
Reel Time Video Production: Jonathan Frank & Alex Pearlman
Ann Reinking
The Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation, San Francisco
NJ Center for Pain & Rehabilitation LLC, Jose Rojas Jr.
Mickey Rolfe & Bruce Tracy
Thomas Schumacher & Matthew White
Theatrical Stage Employees Local One/IATSE
The Tiger Baron Foundation
John Voege & Geoffrey Paul
Claude Bernstein & Melody Wang
Diane M. & Kevin Wilshere
Anonymous (2)
Orchestra Seat
(Gifts from $5,000 to $9,999)
Actors Equity Foundation
ATPAM – Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers
The Barrington Foundation Inc.
Ben & Jerry’s Times Square
Elaine D. Berger
The Carl Jacobs Foundation
Samantha & Drew Cohen
Scott Dainton
Deborah Dakin
DeWitt Stern Group in honor of our clients
Dr. Gerald J. & Dorothy R. Friedman Foundation in honor of Samuel J. Friedman
Ken Fakler
The Fosdick Fund
Steven Goldstein & William Popeleski, Jr.
Jill & Marty Handelsman
Ray Iwanowski
The Jackman Family Foundation
George E. Jordan in memory of Michel G. Delhaise
Scott Brady & Nancy Karpf
Tom Lombardi
Larry Luing & Dario Espinosa
Kevin R. Lyle
Scott Mallalieu & Nat Fuchs
Casey Blass & Lee Manford
David R. McShane & The Samantha Fund
Jonathan Mintzer
Miriam Schaeffer Family Foundation
Calvin Mitchell
Stanley Newman & Dr. Brian Rosenthal
Paul Oppedisano
Platt Family Foundation in memory of Gary Platt
Playbill Inc. ®
The Merle Reskin Income Charitable Fund
Eileen T. Stapleton
The Stephanie & Carter McClelland Foundation
Anthony Sweeney
David Terveen
Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local 764 IATSE
Stuart Thompson & Joe Baker
Robert Tuschman
The Waldman Foundation
Lois Whitman
Barbara Whitman
Box Seat
(Gifts from $2,500 to $4,999)
Actors Federal Credit Union
Rich Aronstein
Bob Avian & Peter Pileski
Richard P. Baks
Paris Baldacci & Andrew S. Dolkart
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery in loving memory of Rob Sinacore
John Barnes & Charles Champagne
Steven Schnepp & Mark Basile in memory of Paul Penfield & John Heppenstall
Beatrice Mannering Living Trust
Erich R. Bechtel
Chad Beguelin & Thomas Sleeman
Nan & Joe Benincasa
James & Melanie Berichon
George L. Bielitz & John Derco
Robert Billig & Richard Vida
Walter Bobbie & David Frye
John Bowab
Briggs Inc.
Carleton Carpenter
Deborah & Steven Cavalier
CESD Talent Agency
Stockard Channing
Charlie & Moll Anderson Foundation
Cathy Chernoff
Gloria & Charles I. Clough, Jr.
William Ludel & Tracy Cohen
Paul & Kelly Cole
Merle Debuskey & Pearl Somner
Drew Desky & Dane Levens
Senator Mike & Fran DeWine
Christopher Durang & John Augustine
Joe Evall & Richard Lynn
Robert Evers
Laura G. Fahsbender
Donald M. Filicetti
Kevin & Helen Flanagan*
Maggie Flanigan & Richard Dow
Kenneth R. Fulton
Vincent Gaeta
Marianne Ganzer in memory of John Ganzer
John Paul Geurts & Robert W. Stolt
John R. Gibson
Roger Gindi & Gregory Victor
Dale Glasser in memory of Steven Glasser
Dan Goggin
Robert D. Gonzales
Emily Grishman & Susan Sampliner
Jerry Herman
Robert Hickman
Geoffrey Hoefer & Thomas Wei
William S. Hoover, M.D.
Matthew P. Hui
Kathy Inch
Jerome S. Glazer Foundation
John L. McHugh Foundation
Scott Johnson
Paula Kaminsky Davis
Kelly Karavites & Francis P. King
Kathryn Keneally & Thomas Marshall
Karen Kennedy in memory of Muriel & Bob Kennedy
David Lam
Nina & Timothy Lannan in memory of Arthur Siccardi III
Angela Lansbury
Jay Laudato & Thomas Watson
Stephanie Lee/Group Sales Box Office
Judith Light & Robert Desiderio
Kevin Foley-Littell & Stephen Littell
Fran Macferran
Steven Markov & Jeffrey Meleski
James Martin
Scott & Harriet Mauro
Marin Mazzie & Jason Danieley in memory of Gary Bonasorte
Mary McColl
Marianne McGrath Mills
Brian Stokes Mitchell & Allyson Tucker in honor of Tom Viola
Debra Monk
Ira Mont & Jill Cordle Mont in memory of Annette Mont
William Morey
Ruth Neale
Judith A. Nelson* in memory of Wayne McCarthy
Phyllis Newman in honor of Adolph Green
Joseph Obermayer
Rob O’Neill & Shawn Anderson
Michael Paleos
Gilbert Parker in memory of Richard Bauman
The PATH Fund/Rockers on Broadway
Lee Perlman & Linda Riefberg
Brad Plunkett
Dr. Amit Rakhit & Mr. Brad Senatore
Richard E. Rauh
Michael C. Ray
Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation
Warren D. Riffle & Kurt A. Fleagle
Michael Risinger
Rose Brand
Larry & Debbie Schneider
Elliott R. Sernel
Shake Shack
Amy Sherman-Palladino
Showboy Bakeshop LLC
Eddie Sarfaty & Court Stroud
Steve Sweet
Theater Extras
Tina & Jeffrey Bolton Family Fund
Matthew D. Tumminello & Dominick J. Marangi
Sally Unger
Tom Viola
Allen Walker
Marilyn Miller in memory of Trygve F. Wasbotten
Weinberg Family Foundation
Dave Wells
Michael Wescoe & Randy Thompson
Whittier & Associates in honor of David H. Whittier
Jeff Woodman in memory of Melvin Bernhardt
Wyncote Foundation
George Zuber & Anthony Snyder Charitable Fund at Our Fund Inc
Front Mezzanine
(Gifts from $1,000 to $2,499)
Jonathan Adler
Ken Adler in memory of Ellen Adler
John R. Alchin & Hal Marryatt
Alec Baldwin Foundation
Matthew Amico
Lee Anisman
James L. Ansin
David Glenn Armstrong & Jeffrey Miller in memory of Todd Coroliuc
The Arthur Loeb Foundation
Gary Bagley
Christopher & Paris Barclay
Clay & Karen Barnes in honor of Gracie & Christina Barnes
Scott Barnes and Brian Kellow in honor of Alix Korey’s glorious return to Broadway
Ivan M. Bart
Beech Street Foundation
Alan Bell & David Ziff
Douglas Bella & David Hunt
Nancy Duggan Benson
James C. P. Berry
Phillip Bettencourt
Phil & Mary Beuth
Jon Bierman
Terry & William Biggins
Chuck Blasius in memory of Linda Accardi
Dave Boone
Carl & Karen Bowen
Loraine Alterman Boyle
Roy Brayton & Mickey Sullivan
Andrew Briedis & Sarah Jenkins
Broadway Bazaar
Lucy A. Brooke
Arthur Brost
Barry Brown & Douglas Cohn, D.V.M.
Joy Browne
Don Buchwald & Associates
James & Debbie Burrows
Michelle L. Butler
Robert Callely
Len Cariou & Heather Summerhayes
Frank Carucci & David Diamond remembering Michael DeBenedittis, gone 30 years
The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation
Charles and Margaret Levin Family Foundation
David & Paula Leggett Chase
Donna and Edward Chernoff
Dolores Childers
Evan Cohen
Bill Condon
John Contratti
Kenneth E. Cooke
Harriet Cooperman
Donald Correll
Clayton Crawley and Roy Kim
Mark Dalton
Felipe de Bustamante
Keith Degi, M.D.
Louis J. Denkovic
Charles Deull
Alvin Deutsch
Michael K. Douglas
Toni Downey
The Edgar Foster Daniels Foundation
William D. Eichman & Michael C. Yount
Valerie Eigner
Alan Eisenberg & Claire Copley
Steven Elkin
Anthony, Kristina & David Ellenbogen
Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz
Barrie Estes
Shane Ewen
Michael J. Fagan
Jack Feldman & Matthew Liss
Doug P. Fiebelkorn
Ronald Fierstein
Steven Filenbaum & Matthew Woolf, CFP
Elliot Fishman
Edward & Lori Forstein
Clay Francis
Steve Frasheur
Fraydun Foundation Inc.
Sean Free
Barbara H. Freitag
David A. Friedman in memory of my mother Shirley Friedman
Merle Frimark
Nancy Gallt
Bruce & Alice Geismar
The Gelfand Family Foundation
Thomas Gentile
Richard Gerrig & Timothy Peterson
Suzanne and Boaz Gilad
Joanna Gleason & Chris Sarandon
Sam Gonzalez
Doug Johnson & Valerie Gordon-Johnson
Stefanie M. Gorman
Barbara Gottlieb
Dane Grams
Mike Greenly
Howard Grossman, M.D.
Barry & Maggie Grove
Sarah & Joel Handelman
Eugene Harbin, Jr.
Carrie Anne K. Harrell
Michael P. Harrell
Edward A. Harris & Amy Madigan
Jennifer Hatch & Sue Smith
Jeffrey Hayenga & Michael Belanger
Craig Hazenfield
Joseph Heffernan
Joseph R. Heller, PhD
Joy Henshel
Richard M. Hester in memory of Spook from Mastro & Hester
Susan & Neal Hirsch
Jim Hoelz & Bill Welsh
Sally Horchow
Andrea & Craig Horowitz
Bill Hutton in memory of Dr. Joel D. Weisman
Carol A. Ingram in memory of Peter Neufeld and in honor of Yvonne Ghareeb
Ira M. Resnick Foundation
Michael T. Isbell in honor of Spencer Cox
Jack & Moe Rouse Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The Janis & Alan Menken Foundation
Jeffrey L. Jackman
Jeanne & Waldo Jackson in memory of our son Robert Jackson
David Jansen
Thai Jason in honor of Tom Viola
Jerl Machine Inc.
Jerome and Dolores Zuckerman Gewirtz Charitable Trust
Joe Allen Restaurant
Earl Johnson & Douglas Ward
Cherry Jones
Ilana Kameros
Detlef Kamps
Anne M. Kandra
Karma Foundation
Jodi, Jim, Matthew & Allison Kaye
Karin & Greg Kayne
Thomas Kazmierczak & Ted Blankenship
Michael Keith
Gary Knapp
Edgar A. Knudson
Ram Koppaka
Lillian Kraemer
Robert J. Kunikoff
The Kutch Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation
Michael Kuzma
Trey LaFave
Nathan Lane in memory of Stanley DeSantis
Brian Lawlor
Jay H. Lefkowitch
Ann M. Lehman in loving memory of Rick Burglund & Gary Warren
Stuart Lippner
Michael Lombard
Dennis Lonergan and John Graves
Steve Lukens
Donald Lutt
Steven F. Lutz
Mark & William Macatee
John J. Mackerey
Qahir Madhany
Barbara Manocherian
Jesse Manocherian & Adrian Frandle
Joseph R Mantello
Samara Martin & Not Your Mama’s Broadway
Clif Mathews
Jo Mayer
Elizabeth I. McCann
Kevin McCollum
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
Kathryn Meister
Svend Mejdal
Bill Melamed Jr. & Jamey Lundblad in honor of Judy Dove & Frank Conway
MeritDirect, LLC
Michael Halebian & Co. Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Van R. Milbury
Keith Miller
Michael Mills & Mark McGrath
Kathleen Moloney
Javier Morgado & Matt Carmouche
Sally Campbell Morse
Tiffany A. Neill
Maury Newburger
Maddi, Charlie & Bridget Niebanck friends of John Lloyd Young
Albert Nocciolino
Nora Roberts Foundation
Michael Novin
Roger Oliver
John K. Orberg
Lisa Orberg
Ron Painter
Philip Paroian
Gregg Passin
Robert Payea III
Charles A. Pelicane
Ralph L. Pellecchio & James C. Wernz, M.D.
Donald R. Pickens
Gloria Piraino
Anthony Ramos
Michael Raymond
Jonathan Rebell & Noah Levine
Monica & Greg Reid
Jonathan Rock & Patrick DelaCruz
David Romero & David Greiss
Lucy Rose
Lori Rubinstein & John McGraw in honor of Bill Sapsis
Loren Ruch & David Salas
Harry Saunders
Megan M. Savage
Fred Schiffman
Michael Schober & Don Harrison
Adam Schwab
Will Schwalbe & David Cheng
Debra & Michael Segal
Shapiro Family Foundation
Kenneth G. Shelley
Monty Silver & Tracy Jamar
James Spiegelhoff
Split Rock Charitable Foundation
Eric Stine
Meryl Streep & Don Gummer
Stuart S. Applebaum Giving Foundation in memory of Mr. Vincent Zito
Peter M. Taub
Sharon Terrill
John Henry Thomas III
Jeffrey Trachtman
Twelfth Night Club Inc.
Beth M. Uffner
Richard J. Underwood
Derek Vadala
Joyce Van Patten
William & Helen Van Syckle
Ariadne & Juan Villarreal
Richard & Debra Voller
Carol Waaser
Suzyn Waldman
Tom & Connie Walsh
Arthur E. Webster, Esq.
Stephen & Sheryl Weisbuch
Peg & Gary Wendlandt
Lucille Werlinich
Nancy A. Wheeler
Frederick M. White & Greg Kammerer
Danny Whitman & Robert Bartley in memory of Francine Whitman
Richard C. Wiggers
Elizabeth P. Williams & Joseph C. Forte
Margo Wintersteen
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Matthew Zaccagni
The Ziegfeld Club
Elliot Zulver & Sally Gold
Anonymous (4)
Anonymous in memory of Marian Seldes
Anonymous in memory of Meghan Robinson
Major Supporters
In addition to support from the Angels Circle, significant funds are generated through Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ annual and one-time events, including Easter Bonnet Competition, Gypsy of the Year, the Broadway Flea Market & Grand Auction, Broadway Backwards and Broadway Bares.
Notable financial support also comes through our Care-Tix, CareCard and auction programs. These donations and fundraising efforts provide vital funds to Broadway Cares.
Below are the names of those who have supported these events and programs with contributions of $1,000 or more during our fiscal year 2016 from October 1, 2015, to September 30, 2016. Amounts listed are the tax-deductible amount of the donation, the total gift minus any fair market value for goods received.
$100,000 or More
Estate of James S Marcus
The Fred Ebb Foundation
M.A.C. AIDS Fund
The Phillip & Elizabeth Gross Family Foundation
Maryetta Saccomano
$50,000 or $99,999
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Dwight H. Curry, “Dream Alliance”
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Leslie G. Gutierrez
Jane Morison
The Shubert Organization
Brian S. Snyder
Tee-Rico LLC
Anonymous in Ioving memory of Tom Morgan
$10,000 to $49,999
Arvind Ahuja
Sam Altman in memory of Murray Schapiro and Shirley Herz and Jerry Tischman
American Endowment Foundation
James J. Andrews
AQR Capital Management LLC
Maida Belove
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Elaine D. Berger
Beyond Times Square
John & Sophie Bilezikian in loving memory of Sara Bilezikian
Laura M. Boedeker
Scott Brady & Nancy Karpf
Break the Floor Productions LLC
Corey & Jessica
Chinatown Duplex LLC
Community Health Charities of Maryland
The Corsi-Cosby Family Charitable Fund
Deborah Dakin
Frank Duff & John Okuloski
Sam Ellis in memory of Doris Eaton Travis
Estate of Edward Orgoglioso
Estate of Elaine D. Dooman
Estate of Joyce Golden
Estee Lauder Inc.
Jules Fisher & Graciela Daniele
George & Irina Schaeffer Foundation
Myrna & Freddie Gershon remember Richard Salfas, Marvin Hamlisch, Peter Allen, Tom Eyen, Arthur Laurents, Marty Richards and Lou Reed
I. Steven Goldstein & William Popeleski Jr.
Joan M. Grande
Nathan Greenlee & Koji Imai
H. van Ameringen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halpern
John W. Holloway
James C. Hormel & Michael P. Nguyen
Matthew P. Hui
Sally Huxley
Jerry & Terri Kohl Family Foundation
Keri Jevic
Jewish Communal Fund
Josh Wood Productions Inc
Karl Kemp & Associates, Ltd.
Rachel Kropa
David Lai
Karen A. Lehner
Albert R. Lepage
Lesbian & Gay Community Services Center
William J. Levy
Florence Rowe Libin & Paul Libin
Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch
Alan & Michelle Mahler
John Mantovani
Mark Fisher Fitness
Tom Marshall and Kathy Keneally
James Martin
Mary Lea Johnson Richards 1997 Charitable Trust in memory of Mary Lea Johnson Richards & Martin Richards
Stephanie and Carter McClelland
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
David R. McShane & The Samantha Fund
Merck Foundation
The Michael Filerman Revocable Trust
Michael Palm Foundation
Jerry Mitchell
Hollis Stern
The New York Community Trust
Newman’s Own Foundation
Stanley Newman & Dr. Brian Rosenthal
NJ Center for Pain & Rehabilitation LLC, Jose Rojas Jr.
Novamerican Steel
NYC & Company Inc.
The Palette Fund
Lee Perlman & Linda Riefberg
Anthony Pisano & Jim Casey
Michael Raymond & Andrew Moyer
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Michael T. Rognlien
Mickey Rolfe & Bruce Tracy
Thomas Schumacher & Matthew White
Happy Shipley in memory of John T. Rowe, Jr.
Brian S. Snyder
Eileen T. Stapleton
Timothy A. A. Stiles
The Ted Snowdon Foundation
The Ted Snowdon Foundation
David Terveen
Theatrical Stage Employees Local One/IATSE
Stuart Thompson & Joe Baker
The Tiger Baron Foundation
Robert Tuschman
John Voege & Geoffrey Paul
The Waldman Foundation
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Peg & Gary Wendlandt
Diane M. & Kevin Wilshere
Ryan A. Zanin
Anonymous (3)
$5,000 to $9,999
Actors’ Equity Foundation
Iris A. Albstein
John R. Alchin & Hal Marryatt
Ambassador Theatre Group
ATPAM – Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers
Audience Rewards LLC
Marie E. Barbieri
The Barrington Foundation Inc.
Jeffrey D. Bauman
Andrew Berdon
James & Melanie Berichon
David Pavese & Virun Rampersad
Helen Bodian & Roger Alcaly
The Calamus Foundation
The Carl Jacobs Foundation
David Cartee
Joseph Cherner
Cathy Chernoff
Marc Cherry
Cincinnati Arts Association
Samantha & Drew Cohen in memory of Richard Salfas
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
Katie Dalton
Todd Davis
Nathaniel de Rothschild
Drew Desky & Dane Levens
William W. Donnell
The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Judy & Tim Dove
William D. Eichman & Michael C. Yount
Elsiefest LLC
Estate of Patricia Croft
Ken Fakler
Karen R. Fay
Kevin Foley-Littell & Stephen Littell
The Fosdick Fund
Kenneth R. Fulton
Elizabeth Furze
Gallagher’s Famous, LLC
GE Corporate
Google, Inc.
Bradley Hames
Jill & Marty Handelsman
The Hargrove Pierce Foundation, in honor of Charles Hamlen
Alan Hassell – in loving memory of H. Thomas Axt
Douglas C. Hellerson
Peter Herman
Geoffrey Hoefer & Thomas Wei
Insideseg LLC
The Jackman Family Foundation
James D. Akins Jr.
Jerome S. Glazer Foundation
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
The Joe & Hellen Darion Foundation, Inc.
George E. Jordan in memory of Michel G. Delhaise
Jujamcyn Theatres
Junior Bus Tours, Inc.
Joseph E. Kaminkow
Mark Kamlet
Jodi, Jim, Matthew & Allison Kaye
Karen & Howard Kellman
Key Brand Entertainment Broadway.Com
Stephanie Lee/Group Sales Box Office
Robert R. Littman & Sully Bonnelly
John Logan
Tom Lombardi
Matt McClanahan & Ed McCarthy
Nauecho Melton
Mercer (US) Inc
Jonathan Mintzer
Miriam Schaeffer Family Foundation
Calvin Mitchell
Anna Mowbray
Nederlander Theatrical Corporation
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Rob O’Neill & Shawn Anderson
Tony Origlio
Joe Pacetti & Tristan Nieves
Art A. Panfile
The PATH Fund/Rockers on Broadway
Brian Pendleton
Edward Pille
Playbill Inc. ®
Paul Quaranto
Jonathan Rebell & Noah Levine
Reel Time Video Production: Jonathan Frank & Alex Pearlman
Michael Rego
Merle Reskin
Michael Risinger
Road Concierge Inc
David Romero & David Greiss
Anthony Roncalli
Kevin Roon
Rose Brand
John Sabat
Renee M. Schwidel
Lise Scott
Scripps Networks Interactive
Serino Coyne Advertising Inc.
Elliott R. Sernel
Mark Shacket
Brett Sirota
Situation Marketing LLC
Hayden Smith
Mr. Jerry Sokolow
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Solomon
Spot and Company of Manhattan, Inc.
Keith P. Taylor
Karma Foundation
The Moody’s Foundation Matching Gift’s Program
The Wine Vault
Theatre Development Fund
Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local 764 IATSE
Lila & George Todd
Triple Threat Productions, Inc.
Venable Foundation Inc
Suzy & Bill Vogler
John Voskuil
David Wackman & Jason Rardin
Nina & Gary Wexler
Lois Whitman
Barbara Whitman
Wicked, LLC
Eric Winterling & Michael Peck
Russ Woolley
Wyncote Foundation
Paul Ziff
$2,500 to $4,999
Deborah & Charles Adelman
Lewis Alexander & Susan Tanaka
Gerry & Hank Alpert
David L. Andreas
Lee Anisman
James L. Ansin
Richard Appleby
Liz Armstrong
Rich Aronstein
Artistic Adventures
Laura L. Ashford
Hideo Atobe
Bob Avian & Peter Pileski
Salah J. Bachir
Stephanie Baker
Paris Baldacci & Andrew S. Dolkart
Anne Banfield
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery in loving memory of Rob Sinacore
Allison Barlow
John Barnes & Charles Champagne
Yvonne Bell
Douglas Bella & David Hunt
Nan & Joe Benincasa
Nancy Duggan Benson
Robert Billig & Richard Vida
Paula Marie Black
Chuck Blasius in memory of Linda Accardi
Walter Bobbie & David Frye
Leslie Bond
Ann Marie & Robert Borsdorf
John Bowab
Roy Brayton & Mickey Sullivan
Briggs, Inc.
Broadway Teaching Group
John C. Bryant
California Musical Theatre
John T. Canning
Carleton Carpenter
Lauren K. Carton
Ed and Chris Carye
Deborah & Steven Cavalier
Kevin Chamberlin
The Charles & Betti Saunders Foundation Fund
Charles and Margaret Levin Family Foundation
Charlie & Moll Anderson Foundation
Donna & Edward Chernoff
Joseph Chianese
Chubb Personal Insurance
Richard Clarcman
Jon Kerry Clayton
Gloria & Charles I. Clough Jr.
William Ludel & Tracy Cohen
Paul & Kelly Cole
Stuart H. Coleman & Meryl Rosofsky
Rainer Coloma
Casey Cook & Gary Steinkohl
Kathleen Corsi
Thomas Cott in memory of Philip Carlson
Mary Sharp Cronson
CTI Custom Travel Incentives & Promotions, Inc.
CESD Talent Agency
Scott Dainton
Jan Davis
Merle Debuskey & Pearl Somner
Jamie deRoy in memory of Bradshaw Smith
Charles Deull
Ms. Patty Dinner
Mitchell Donnell
Christopher Durang & John Augustine
Kari Duvall
Russell & Helene Ellison
Joe Evall & Richard Lynn
Bill Evans & Chuck Fischer in memory of Mike Nichols
Robert Evers
Facebook, Inc.
Adele Fader
FGH Foundation
Steven Filenbaum & Matthew Woolf, CFP
Donald M. Filicetti
Elliot Fishman & Dale Abrams
Fishs Eddy LLC
Maggie Flanigan & Richard Dow
Warren D. Riffle & Kurt A. Fleagle
Eric R. Forst
Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz PC
Jeffrey Fuller
Vincent Gaeta
Richard Gerrig & Timothy Peterson
John Paul Geurts & Robert W. Stolt
Roger Gindi & Gregory Victor
Meryle Gitto
Dale Glasser in memory of Steven Glasser
Marilyn & Michael Glosserman in honor of Daryl & Steven Roth
Eugene Goroschko
Grand Fund Inc.
Joan Grande
Mike Greenly
Herb Hamsher
Julie A. Harris
Kristen D. Harris
Jennifer Hatch & Sue Smith
Evelyn K. Hayes
Jerry Herman
Richard Hester & Michael Mastro
Robert Hickman
Craig Holzberg
William S. Hoover, M.D.
Wesley F. Hull
Impact Sports LLC
J. Crew
Robert Jackson
David Jacobs
The Jerome Robbins Foundation
John L. McHugh Foundation
Howard & Janet Kagan
Kelly Karavites in memory of my spouse Francis P. King
Mr. Robert Karp
Sam Kaspick
Robin Katz
Elizabeth Kehler
Emily Kelley
Karen E. Kennedy in memory of Muriel & Bob Kennedy
Jerry & Terri Kohl
Lillian Kraemer
LaFountaine Family Foundation
Nina & Timothy Lannan
Angela Lansbury
William Lauch
Jay Laudato & Tom Watson
Winston Bernard Layne
Ed Lefferson
Kim Lemon
Jay B. Lesiger
William and Ina Levine
Marc Levine
Keryn M. Lowry
Kevin R. Lyle
Fran Macferran
John J. Mackerey
Mark Mackillop
Patricia Makin
Virginia Mancini
Joseph R Mantello
Robert N. Marcus
Monica Markowski
Kathy Keneally & Tom Marshall
David Martin
MASIE Productions
Scott & Harriet Mauro
Max Borkenstein Foundation
Andrew A. McAleer
Timothy J. McAuliffe
Mary McColl
Rachel McHale
Terrence Meck
Marius Meland & Eng Kian Ooi
Mark Mendelson & Christopher LaPolice
Sharon Menking
Eli Milbaur & Ryan Cangello
Roger P. Miller
Keith Miller
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Debra Monk
William Morey
Morgan Stanley
Ruth Neale
James L. Nederlander
Network for Good
Phyllis Newman in honor of Adolph Green
Stacey Newton & Steve Lewis
Dr. Sharon Novak
Joseph Obermayer
Paul Oppedisano
Paulo Pacheco
Michael Paleos
Gilbert Parker in memory of Richard Bauman
Philip Paroian
Gregg Passin
Philip Petry
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Piacentile Family Foundation
Erik Piecuch & Alex Wright
Brad Plunkett
Production Resource Group
Pryor Cashman LLP
Dr. Amit Rakhit & Mr. Brad Senatore
Kristin M. Ramey
Richard E. Rauh
Michael C. Ray
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation
Leonard Roberts
Carlos Rodriguez
Mickey Rolfe & Bruce Tracy
The Roseann O’Donnell Revocable Living Trust
The Ross Foundation
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
Paul Rumsey
Eddie Sarfaty & Court Stroud
Bluma Schechter
Steven Schnepp & Mark Basile in memory of Paul Penfield & John Heppenstall
Barbara Schrader
Joachim Schuetz
D Mark Schumann
Schwab Charitable Fund
Segerstrom Center for the Arts
Michael M. Senter
Jerome Mark Shaw
Patrick W. Shaw
Kenneth G. Shelley
Amy Sherman-Palladino
Joseph Short
Ed Simonelli & Hernando Cortez Jr
David Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stretton Jr.
Catherine H. Sumas
Steve Sweet
Lawrence Szenyi
T. Backer Fund
Tenders Inc
Ticketmaster, LLC
Gary Tigges
Tina & Jeffrey Bolton Family Fund
Jeffrey Trachtman
United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit
Anthony Valle
Wayne Vincent
Deborah Waldman
Allen Walker
Webster Hall Entertainment Corp.
Stacey Weedon
Weinberg Family Foundation
Lock Whitney and Sandro Cagnin
Ashlee Willaman
Jeff Woodman in memory of Melvin Bernhardt
Jeff Woods
Katherine Young
Jeff Zimman & Ken Ruebush
Anonymous (2)
$1,000 to $2,499
Richard Abrams
Ted Acosta
ACR Contracting Group LLC
Jonathan Adler
Jeffrey Adler
Ken Adler in memory of Ellen Adler
Eric Alexander
Sara M. Allan
Christina Allen
Allied World
Daniel E. Alvarez
Richard Ambrose
American Express Foundation Matching Gift Program
Cassandra S. Anderson
Evelyn Angel
Nader Ansary
Johanna Appel
David Glenn Armstrong & Jeffrey Miller in memory of Todd Coroliuc
The Arthur Loeb Foundation
Artists in Motion Inc
Assured Guaranty Corp.
Andy Baker & Ward Auerbach
Barbara Baekgaard
Gary Bagley in memory of Peter Neufeld and Richard Stack
Gasper Baglio
Randal Baker
Stephen M. Baker
Richard P. Baks
Christopher & Paris Barclay
Clay & Karen Barnes in honor of Gracie & Christina Barnes
Scott Barnes & Brian Kellow in honor of Alix Korey’s glorious return to Broadway
Theodore Barnett
Bradie Barr
Ruben A. Basantes
Andrew C. Baumgartner
Jay R. Baumohl
Robert E. Baxley
Mark Baxter
Joan E. Beach
Paula Begoun
Barry Berg
Mark Bergamini & Christopher Oates
Elaine D. Berger
Susan A. Berland
Carolyn G. Berliner
Mark Bernhardt
James C. P. Berry
Scott Jay Besthorn
Phillip Bettencourt
Robert Betz
George L. Bielitz & John Derco
Jon Bierman
Terry & William Biggins
Jeffrey Blair
Kellen Blair
Gregory Blake
Mary Blodgett
Kathryn Blue
Daniel Bober
Miranda Book & Linda Dingler
Fran Borgenicht
Karen & Walter Boss
Patrick Boucher & John Orcutt
Joan C. Bowman
Janice E. Boyd
Loraine Alterman Boyle
Kevin L. Branshaw
Nancy Breuer
Kenneth Brickman
Broadway Artists Alliance
BroadwayGPS LLC
J. Arthur Brost
Brown Paper Tickets, LLC
Wedon Brown
Barry Brown & Douglas Cohn, D.V.M.
Collette B. Bruce
Theresa Bruno
Jason A. Bulger
Tracy A. Burnett
James Burns
James E. Burt
Michelle L. Butler
Jim Butler
Michael-Demby Cain
Rosemarie Caiola
Robert Callely
Clea R. Calloway
Dana Cameron
Len Cariou & Heather Summerhayes
Cristina Carlson
Debra & Kim Carmichael
Robert J. Carroll
Jason J. Carroll
Frank Carucci & David Diamond celebrating our marriage after 35 years of unwedded bliss
Lynne Casper
Denise Castle
Cathy Chernoff Productions LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chalfant, Jr.
Mary E. Challinor
Stephanie Chappell
Charles Dimston Revocable Trust
Randolph R. Charles
David & Paula Leggett Chase
JoAnn Chavez
Michael & Diane Christian
Robert Cimino
City National Bank
Clark and Richard Green
Sheandra R. Clark
The Cleveland Foundation
Amy Cohen
Evan Cohen
James M. Cole
Hayden Coleman & Donn-Evans Reichhardt
Joseph Coleman
Pamela J. Comer
Jon Buckland
The Conway Family
Kenneth E. Cooke
Andres Copete
Donald Correll
Larry Cosand
Counseling Assoc, Ind
Joseph E. Cowherd
Veronica Coyle
Carol S. Cozen
Clayton Crawley & Roy Kim
William C. Cubberley
Michelle Cuccaro
Doreen Katen
Mark Dalton
William J. Damaschke
Jack DAngelo
The Edgar Foster Daniels Foundation
Kevin & Sherri Daugherty
Dave Boone
Richard David
Todd Davis
Jonathan de Armas
Felipe de Bustamante
Madison Decker
Henry S. Dembowski
Louis J. Denkovic
Alvin Deutsch
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Patrick Devenney
Senator Mike & Fran DeWine
Maria Di Dia & Doug Salmon
Gary DiMauro Real Estate, Inc.
Charles DiNicolas & Saul Lopez Silva
Discover New York, LLC
The Don and Maggie Buchwald Foundation
Valerie J. Donohue
Nancy J. Dorschel
Toni Downey
John, Barb & Ginna Doyle
Mary M. Dudley
Amanda Dunkle
Trudy C. Durant
Leslie Durcan
East Pointe Dance LLC
Donald Ebbert
Educational Tours Inc.
Robert J. Egan
Nathaniel Eggleston
Valerie Eigner
Stewart Eiss
Anthony, Kristina & David Ellenbogen
Scott Ellis
Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz
Robert Eppenstein
James Espy
Anne Estevez
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Foundation Corporation
Susan Evans
Michael J. Fagan
Laura G. Fahsbender
James & Anna Fantaci
Thomas Farrell
Terry A. Fassburg
Danielle Fassett
Michael Fasulo
Judith K. Favor
The Estate of Patricia Elliott
Feinstein’s/54 Below
Jack Feldman & Matthew Liss
Ruth A. Fernandez
Timothy Ferreira
Doug P. Fiebelkorn
Ronald Fierstein
Christina Figliolia
Priscilla Florentino
Eliza Flug
Forsyth Central
Mark Fortier & Jay Pagano
William L. Fortune
Stephen Foster
Irene E. Foxhall
Joele Frank
Julie Franklin
Steve Frasheur
Ellen Friedenberg
David A. Friedman in memory of my mother Shirley Friedman
Pierre Frinault
David M. Fromm in memory of my partner Robert Motley
Michael Fusilero
Henry Gabbay
MaryEllen Gallagher
Nancy Gallt
Stephen M. Gansler
Julian Ganz
Joel Garcia
Bruce & Alice Geismar
Barry Gelda in memory of Irene Lucille Bunis
The Gelfand Family Foundation
Robert Gellman
Thomas Gentile
Benno M. Gerson
Get Services
Kaushik Ghosh & Stephanie Johnson
Andrew Giannelli
Daniel Gibson
John R. Gibson
Joey Gigliotti
Suzanne & Boaz Gilad
Fred Gilbert
Derald Gingerich
Gary Glazer
Rachel D. Godsil
Thom Goff
Goldman Sachs Gives
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Armando Gomez
Robert D. Gonzales
Michelle Good
Jeremy Goodman
The Goodman-Lipman Family Foundation Inc
Kelpie Arts
Paul Goree
Mary Ann Gorlin
Stefanie M. Gorman
Barbara Gottlieb
J. Graigory
Dane Grams
Frankie J. Grande
Marjorie Grande
Kenneth C. Greves
Marey L. Griffith
Gary Groff & Michael Patten
Eric Gross
Daniel Gross
Howard Grossman, M.D.
Kathy Speer & Terry Grossman
Barry & Maggie Grove
Laurie W. Gumula
Marc J. Gurell
Armando E. Gutierrez
John F. Hadity
Edward E. Hale Jr.
Michael Halebian
Hall Family Foundation
Diann Hall in memory of John Rainwater
Mr. Greg Hamerschlag
Sean T. Hamilton
Charles Hamlen
Dennis Hammer
Highlight NY LLC
Sarah & Joel Handelman
David G. Hanna
Eugene Harbin, Jr.
Douglas Hardy
Janet Harper
Carrie Anne K. Harrell
Michael P. Harrell
Harris Family Foundation in honor of Michael Riedel
David A. Harris
Jeffrey Hayenga & Michael Belanger
Elizabeth Hayes
Hal H. Hayes
Michael & Jean Hearne
Kyle J. Heath
Edward L. Heim
Noah Heldman
Mattea Heldner
Joseph R. Heller, Ph.D.
Henderson-Hogan Agency, Inc.
Joy Henshel
Elizabeth E. Hernandez
Patrick Herold
Lynn M. Herrick
Hella Hershson
The Hilaria And Alec Baldwin Foundation Inc.
Hildenborough Hotels Limited Inc
Todd Hiler
Jerry Hirsch
Susan & Neal Hirsch
Jim Hoelz & William Welsh
Richard Hoer
Judith M. Hoffman
Rick Hogg
Brian Holland
James Holland
Marnee J. Hollis
Patti Holtzman
Sally Horchow
Andrea & Craig Horowitz
Julie Horst
Eve N. Howard
Nancy Hughes
Even Hurwitz
Bill Hutton in memory of Dr. Joel D. Weisman
Barbara Hyde
Sylvia B. Hyman
IBM Employee Service Center
Illinois State University
Carol A. Ingram in memory of Peter Neufeld and in honor of Yvonne Ghareeb
Ira M. Resnick Foundation
Keith Jackson
Jimmy Jackson
Jeanne & Waldo Jackson in memory of our son Robert Jackson
Monty Silver & Tracy Jamar
James & Debbie Burrows
Keith & Patti James
The Janis & Alan Menken Foundation
Richard Jay-Alexander
JCR Contracting Group LLC
Jerl Machine Inc.
Johnson & Johnson – Matching Gifts
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Earl Johnson & Douglas Ward
Barbara Josso & Liz Miloscia
Just Give
Peter Kaiser
Ilana Kameros
Paula Kaminsky Davis
Frederick M. White & Greg Kammerer
Paul Kanin
Toni Kaplan
David A. Karlson
Mary E. Kaslick
Judith Kastenberg
Doreen Katen
Jordan Katz
Martin Katzman
Morley Kaye
Milly Kayyem
Brendan Kelly & Conrad Hanson
Robert J. Kelly
Samantha S. Kennedy
Jeffrey Kent
Lowell D. Kern
John K. Kim
Patty King
Kinky Boots LLC
Neil Kirsch
Michael J. Kitka
F. Gary Knapp
Edgar A. Knudson
Dr. Ram Koppaka
Alix Korey & Randy Hansen
Ross Kovanda
Stan Kowalski
Patricia R. Kraines
Hilda Kraker
Seth W. Krasilovsky
Gregory Kuhar
Peter Kukielski
Robert Kulikowski & Christopher Collins
Robert J. Kunikoff
Kevin Kuzma
Richard Lagravenese
Amy Lai & Carrie Borows
Dawn Landino
Charles Lapointe
Barbara J. LaRonde
Brian Lawlor
Malcolm H. Lazarus
Leading Artists, Inc.
Thomas J. Leanse
Norman Lear
Marie Learner
Christopher Leary
Jay H. Lefkowitch
Ann M. Lehman in loving memory of Rick Burglund & Gary Warren
Emma L. Lemcke
Ted Lenox, MD
Michael Leppen
Wes Zeb Libby
Ben Licht
Carey S. Lifschultz
Laird A. Lile
Diane Lippert
Stuart Lippner
Lisa Zadravec’s Westport Dance Center, LLC
William R. Lohn
Michael Lombard
James A. Lommori
Dennis Lonergan & John Graves
Tim O. Lorah
Love All Foundation
Jane Newman Lubart
Timothy D. Luing
Lululemon USA Inc
Karyn B. Lutz
Angie Lutz
Kelly Lyon
Mark & William Macatee
Marybeth Mackin
Timothy S. Maclaughlin
Mary MacLeod
Mark Mader
Ana Maier
Guy Maiorano
HOUSE Hudson Valley
Jamie Malizio
Scott Mallalieu & Nat Fuchs
Gary Mandel
Jesse Manocherian
Barbara Manocherian
Anthony P. Mansour
Marangi Disposal
James Marchese
Jeremy Marchese
Anne M. Marenburg
Thomas Marino
Susan J. Marks
Jerry Marth
Jay Martin
Ashley Martinez
Clif Mathews
Guy F. Matthews
Jo Mayer
Debra A. Mayer
Leslie & Jordan Mayer
Elizabeth I. McCann
Taylor McCauley
Matt McClanahan & Ed McCarthy
Richard McCune & Brian Carroll – City National Bank
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
John K. McElroy
Kevin A. McGuire
Janice McKelvey
Andrew Mclelland
Robert W. F. & Derek McNally
Patrick McShane
Edward Meehan
Kati Meister
Bill Melamed Jr. & Jamey Lundblad in honor of Judy Dove & Frank Conway
Emily C. Melvin
MeritDirect, LLC
Leon A. Meyer
Michael Halebian & Co. Inc.
Anthony M. Mignone
Frances Milberg
Mr. & Mrs. E. Van R. Milbury
Kristina M. Miller
Marianne McGrath Mills
Michael Mills & Mark McGrath
Jody Minsky
Guy Mirabello
Bernita Mirisola
Kathleen Moloney
Steven Monaco
Robert Monahan
Teresa Reyes & Martin Monas
Arthur H. Moore
William Moore
Oscar E. Moore
Daniel C. Morello
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
David Morgan
Mary C. Morgan
Travis J. Moser
Rebecca Moss
Roy Bradley
Nancy Mulvihill
Albert Nocciolino
J. Jahm Najafi
Cheryl Nakao-Miller
Elisbaeth G. Nash
Nederlander of New York Inc
Cary D. Negley
Linda and Stuart Nelson
Bebe Neuwirth & Chris Calkins
The Newburgh Institute for the Arts and Ideas
Evan Newman
Jeanne Nicolosi
Shelley K. Nierenberg
Douglas Nieters
Nora Roberts Foundation
NYCAHC Charitable Fund
David O’Brien
Benjamin Ocampo
Don Oechsle
Beverly Ogden
The Ohio State University Alumni Association Inc.
Deirdre O’Neil
John M. Onysko
Lisa Orberg
John K. Orberg
Frank Orman
Norman Ornstein
George Zuber & Anthony Snyder Charitable Fund at Our Fund Inc.
David Oviedo in memory of Warren Anthony Perkins
Sherry Owens
Jay A. Pack
Stephen Paine
Ron Painter
Roy Palijaro
The Parents’ Association of The Montclair Kimberley Academy
Kenneth Parsigian
Tad Paul
PayPal Giving Fund
David A. Pearson
Charles A. Pellicane
Romano I. Peluso
Lori Peraglia
George Perez
Julie C. Peskoe
Susan Pesso
David Peterson
Bonnie & Alan Petsche
Daniel Peykoff
Elizabeth R. Phelps
Phileona Foundation
Hal M. Philipson
The Phillip & Elizabeth Gross Family Foundation
Daniel R. Pietenpol
Gloria Piraino
Fredda L. Plesser
Jennifer Powers
John R. Price
Pro Musica Tours Inc.
Frances Pu
Lacy Ford Subaru
Sally Rainey
Mr. G. Remak Ramsay
Jane A. Randolph
David Rappaport
Andrew Rasiej
Alfred Recchia
Lynn C. Reddick
Scott Reed
Ellis I. Reemer
Daniel Reichard
Monica & Greg Reid
Alan Reiff
Eric Reiner
Barbara C. Reitzel
The Richard Alvin Martin Trust
Ridgefield Dance & Fitness
Rodney J. Rigss
Susan J. Riley
Patrick Riordan
Steven Rissman
Ritholz-Jarvis 1990 Trust
Leslie B. Rivkin
Jeanette M. Roach
The Robert N. Alfandre Family
Elizabeth Roberts
Jonathan Rock & Patrick DelaCruz
Celia Rodrigues
Esperanza Rodriguez
Larry Rogowsky
Barbara & Bob Rohdie
Lucy Rose
David S. Rosenberg
Nancey Rosensweig
Amy Rosenthal
Daniel Rosokoff
Catharine Rote
Elizabeth Rote
RSC Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
Ruane, Cuniff & Goldfarb, LLC
Lori Rubinstein & John McGraw in honor of Bill Sapsis
Lital Ruderman
James J. Ruth
John Ryan
John A. Sahs
Loren Ruch & David Salas Foundation
Richard A. Salomon
Jack Saltz
Sam Rudy Media Relations, Ltd.
Samuel L. Phillips Family Foundation
Dorothy & Peter Samuels
Ian Samuels
Kevin Sanchez
Sand Dollar Foundation
Mary & Saul Sanders
Nancy Santoro
Lori A. Saper
Lily Sarafan
Megan M. Savage
Kimberly Schafer
Robert Schaffer & Clifford Berry
Jolie Schaffzin
S. Fred Schiffman
Steven Schmidt
Jerold I. Schneider
Michael Schober & Don Harrison
Lee B. Schrager
Stacie And Bernie Schroeder
Frank Schulz
John E. Schumacher
Adam Schwab
Will Schwalbe & David Cheng
Richard Schwartz
Mr. Peter R. Schwartz
Amy Schwegel
John M. Scott & Richard Reichgut
Debra & Michael Segal
Stefanie F. Seldin
Shake Shack
Robert L. Shapiro
Gregory Shaw
Shelter from the Storm Inc
Maximillian T. Shemesh
Stephen L. Shepherd
Bennett Shuldman
Robert Shuwarger
Meryl Streep & Don Gummer
Dina Slawson
Tamara J. Sloan
Charles B. Slutzky
Tracey Smith
Terri R. Smooke
Karen J. Sobotka
Frances Spark & Michael Goldberg
James Spiegelhoff
Joseph J. Spinner
Paula Stafford
Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers
Joshua J. Stecker
Susan Stein
Geraldine G. Stein
Lisa S. Stein
Tania W. Stepanian
Jack Stephenson
Sterling & Tucker
Andrew W. Stern
Stewart Talent New York Inc.
Strut Your Stuff of Plainview
Stuart S. Applebaum in memory of Mr. Vincent Zito
Amy Stuart
Heather Stump-Ochalek
Fortuna Stuzin
Richard Suckle
Michael H. Suo
Stockard Channing
Anne Suswal
Allyson Tang
Marc S. Tanner
Charles W. Tate
Peter M. Taub
Hal Tepfer
The A.R. Hughes Family Fund in loving memory of our cousin Thomas H. Anderson
The Apatow-Mann Family Foundation
Beech Street Foundation
The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation
Ben & Jerry’s Times Square
Maury Newburger
The Susan S. Shiva Foundation
The Trico Foundation
The Ziegfeld Club
Keith Tobias
Stephen G. Tomlinson
Tim Tompkins
Stephen & Valerie Toups
Robert Trask
Travelers Employee Giving Campaign
Treasurers & Ticket Sellers – Union Local 751
Becky Tsai
Steve K. Tsubota
Matthew D. Tumminello & Dominick J. Marangi
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Beth M. Uffner
Mr. Joel Ulster and Mr. Michael Hertzman
Richard J. Underwood
United Scenic Artists
Juan Manuel Urquiza
Mariko Uyeda Dotts
Vagabond Tours, Inc
Mary-Ann Valiulis
Joyce Van Patten
James Vandernoth & Avery James
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Jo Ann Veneziano
Michelle Vice
Alejo Vietti
Richard & Debra Voller
Carol Waaser
Voltaire Wade-Greene
Suzyn Waldman
Paulette Walker
Ryan Walls & Arrash Jalali
Tom & Connie Walsh
Jennifer Walsh
Claude Bernstein & Melody Wang
Alice Wang
Robert E. Wankel
Brian Ward
Matthew Warnecke & George Sheer
Patricia R. Warner
Marilyn Miller in memory of Trygve F. Wasbotten
Victoria L. Webb
Arthur E. Webster, Esq.
Steve W. Weisman
Ira M. Weitzman
Lucille Werlinich
Ryan Wesslen
Brian W. West
William Wetsman
Nancy A. Wheeler
James Steven White
Todd M. Whitley & Gary O. Holder in loving memory of James Roe
Cory Scott Whittier in memory of David Rupert Hewes
Hallie Willer
Michael D. Williams
David Williamson
Sterling Wilson
Jamie Winkler
Ben Wiseman
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Jo-Ann Wordley
Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists
Jan Wyman
Daniel Yang
The Yaspan Unterberg Foundation, Inc.
Lori A. Yaspan
York Preparatory School Inc
Nora Leslie Zanger
Fern Lee & Lori Zeller
David Ziff & Alan Bell
Beth Zollars
Zufall Family Foundation
Helen Zukerman
Elliot Zulver & Sally Gold
Corporate Support
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is fortunate to have the continued support of a broad range of corporate partners.

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As one of the largest charities representing Broadway and the American theatre and the ninth-largest AIDS grant-making organization in the world, BC/EFA is able to connect major corporate brands with one of the nation’s foremost creative industries and our most loyal supporters. We are also able to ensure that a corporation’s support reaches into nearly every community in the country through our National Grants Program. Our Corporate Partners are able to build brand loyalty among millions of people associated with Broadway, be it on tour, onstage, backstage or in the audience and those passionate about the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Companies can partner with BC/EFA on a broad range of projects, including annual partnership, event sponsorship, cash and in-kind donations that directly support our programs and specialized, cause-related marketing.
With the creation of Broadway Delivers! in 2001 a new way for Broadway Cares and corporations to work together was born. Many of the events that BC/EFA produced through Broadway Delivers were originally produced for existing corporate clients such as Anheuser-Busch and Target, bringing new corporations into the Broadway Cares family.
We salute the generous companies that provide major support of our programs.
Supporting Players Circle
Behind every successful Broadway show are the supporting players helping sustain a long, meaningful run.
The Supporting Players Circle allows donors to make a lasting impact. A donation is automatically charged to a credit or debit card each month. Membership in the Supporting Players Circle continues uninterrupted and members can increase, decrease or stop monthly donations at any time.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS appreciates and thanks these members of the Supporting Players Circle for helping to create a foundation of giving that makes a difference every month.
Michael Bankert
Rene Barilleaus
Ilana Berman
Dennis Binette
Tiffini C. Chow
James R. Cochran
Russell Cormier
Barbara Cox
William Cox
Linda M. Darling
Michael DeCrescenzo
Maddy deLeon
John R. Duff
Christopher Fabiszak
Michael S. Ferris
Kenneth Finkelstein
Joyce Frame
Robert L. Freedman
Thomas Giachetti
Michael Gorman
Mark Grossbard
Robert L. Hawk
Lorraine Hennessy
Jill C. Herbert
Kevin Paul Hofeditz
Geoffrey Horlick
Juanita Howard
Linda Kidani
Elizabeth Lau
Jean-Paul Leblanc
Clif Levin
Trenton Loughlin
Penny Frank Mandel
Phil Michels
Jerome Nadal
Lori L. Nakamura
Samuel Negin
Valerie Oishi
Brent Phillips
Ray J. Poulin
Rolande Prince
Peter Ratray
Chiquita Ross
Barry Sacker
Deborah Sarria
Josh Schiowitz
Barry B. Seidel
Eric Shearin
William C. Smaha
Joseph W. Smith
Toni Solow
David A. Springer
Toni Stanton
Risa Tanania
Colleen Dewhurst Society
The Colleen Dewhurst Society is the planned giving arm of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, honoring those who have included Broadway Cares in their estate plan or will.
The society is named for the late Colleen Dewhurst, the Tony Award-winning actress and past president of Actors’ Equity Association. She pioneered the formation of the Equity Fights AIDS Committee, which merged with Broadway Cares in 1992 to become the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS of today.
“I’m so proud of what we do for each other. There are so many people who thought this thing would never go. That it couldn’t be done. But it happened anyway because so many people came forward and, in many different ways, made it happen. And to this very day, I love you all for that.”
– Colleen Dewhurst, June 1991
Colleen’s legacy will forever reflect her love for the theatre community and boundless compassion for the disadvantaged and underprivileged, as well as her incredible vision for AIDS fundraising within the Broadway community.
Joining the Colleen Dewhurst Society allows Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS supporters to create their own legacy of benevolence towards the most vulnerable for years to come.
For more information about the Colleen Dewhurst Society, contact John Halpin, major gifts officer, at 212.840.0770, ext. 275, or
In fiscal year 2016, gifts to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS were received from the following estates.
Estate of Patricia Croft
Estate of Elaine D. Dooman
Estate of Joyce Golden
The Michael Filerman Revocable Trust
Estate of Edward Orgoglioso
Estate of Eileen R. Shields
The following people have provided for an estate or other planned gift to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Sam Altman
Lee Anisman
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery
Phil & Mary Beuth
Paul Boskind
John Bowab
Katherine Brader
Marcie Brooks
Robert L. Bullock
Priscilla Calder-Spielholz
Robert Callely
Liz Caplan and Doug Maxwell
David Cartee
Frank Conway
Jamie deRoy
Marion Duckworth Smith
Alan Eisenberg & Claire Copley
Judith A. Fanelli
Michael Filerman
Murray Fishman
Aaron Frankel
Kenneth R. Fulton
Robert D. Gonzales
Dane Grams
Joseph R. Heller, Ph.D.
Jerry Herman
Carol A. Ingram
Jeffrey L. Jackman
Barry Allen Johnson
Ron Kollen
Robert J. Kunikoff
Jay Laudato & Thomas Watson
Steven F. Lutz
Mark & William Macatee
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
David R. McShane
Robert Meier
Terri Miller
Jerry Mitchell
Debra Monk
Oscar E. Moore
Michael Morris
Gilbert Parker
Thompson Patton
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Amy Rosenthal
Paul L. and Marion J. Ross
Stuart Ross
Margaret (Peg) Small
Eileen T. Stapleton
Alfred Szymanski
Mark Viviano & Randy Triezenberg
Carol Waaser
Douglas J. Ward & Earl Johnson
Jay Laudato & Tom Watson
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Jeff Woodman & the late Melvin Bernhardt
Philip Wright
We salute our many friends and colleagues who are no longer with us and left planned gifts to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Louise Alexander
Walter Alford
Florence Anglin
Frank Argiro
Rose Ascenzi
Francine Beers
Eva Block
Robert L. Borod
Lester Bowman
Monica Boyar
Roy Bradley
Aron Bromberg
Alice C. Brown
Frances S. Chaiken
Jerome S. Clark
Alvin Colt
Dolores Gray Crevolin
Alvin C. Davis
Gene Dickey
Sophie Eisler
Roger Franklin
Harry S. Gold
Christopher Gorman
Andrew J. Greenhut
Michael F. Hartig
Joan Houseman
Richard Alan Lerner
Paul R. Lipson
Howard L. Marcou
Reverend Richard Mietzelfeld
Jason J. Moyer
Edward Orgoglioso
Richard D. Overton
Gail Perlman
Warren Pincus
Bernard B. Plotkin
Heinz Poll and Thomas Skelton
Abraham Raskin
Marty Richards & the Mary Lea Johnson Richard Foundation
Gerald L. Ritholz and Ray Jarvis
Gordon T. Salter
David Semonin
Eileen R. Shields
Robert Sinacore
Milton J. Tatelman
David Paul Taylor
Peter J. Thomas
Peter J. Thomas
Gwen Verdon
Samuel J. Waddell Jr.
Marcella Weinberg
Julius Wittman
Major Supporters of Dancers Responding to AIDS
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS recognizes major supporters, individuals, businesses and foundations that make a contribution of $1,000 or more annually to Dancers Responding to AIDS. As a program of Broadway Cares, DRA helps raise hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in support of those affected by HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses. That wouldn’t be possible without the generosity and compassion of our most loyal supporters.
Names in bold indicate Archangels, donors who have increased their gift by 25 percent or more over the past year.
* indicates members of the DRA Angels Circle
Ted Acosta
Deborah & Charles Adelman
Allied World
Gerry & Hank Alpert*
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
American Ballet Theatre
American Opera Projects
Charles Andrews
James J. Andrews*
Angel Shine Foundation/Allyson Tang & Thomas Widmann
Gerald M. Appelstein*
Dan Arshack & Nancey Rosensweig
Artists in Motion Inc
Andy Baker & Ward Auerbach
Ballet Hispanico
Cathy Barbash
Batsheva Dance Company
Allan Baum & Frank Liberto
David Benaym*
Andrew Berdon*
Mark Bergamini & Christopher Oates
Mark Bernhardt*
Jeffrey Blair
Karen & Walter Boss
Patrick Boucher & John Orcutt
Joan C. Bowman*
Break the Floor Productions LLC
Michael-Demby Cain*
Raul Castro-Cerrato*
Celebrity Cruises
Oliver Chen & John Bult
Anny Choi
Michael & Diane Christian
Chubb Personal Insurance
City Center Dance
City National Bank
Kerry Clayton & Paige Royer
Linda & Richard Claytor
Gary Clinton & Don Millinger
Neil Cohn & John Brown
Hayden Coleman & Donn-Evans Reichhardt
Stuart H. Coleman & Meryl Rosofsky
Joseph Coleman
Complexions Contemporary Ballet
Joseph Conforti & Douglas Jakubowski
Connecticut Dance Conservatory
Ray Connors
The Conway Family
Frank Conway*
Marc Coté & Jay Henry
Thomas Cott* in memory of Philip Carlson
Mary Sharp Cronson
William C. Cubberley*
Dance Theatre of Harlem
Duke Dang & Charles Rosen* in loving memory of David Panzer
David Beatty Fund of Stonewall Community Foundation
Doreen & Crane Davis
Christine De Lisle & Ken Klein
DeWitt Stern
Rev. David Didio & Ulrich Grimm
Dorrance Dance
Judy & Tim Dove
Leslie Durcan
East Pointe Dance LLC
Russell & Helene Ellison
Bonnie Pfeifer Evans*
Michael Fasulo
Jan Felshin & Edrie Ferdun
Steven Filenbaum & Matthew Woolf, CFP
Kevin & Helen Flanagan*
Mark Fortier & Jay Pagano
Stephen Foster
Hervé Foulard & Jonathan Gold*
R. Brandon Fradd
Friends Seminary
The Fund in the Sun Foundation
MaryEllen Gallagher
Thomas Garner*
Gary DiMauro Real Estate, Inc.
Joey Gigliotti
Atilano Gimenes & Arnie Guior
Sean & Barry Godfrey-Reives
David Goren & Andrew Chapin
Clark and Richard Green
Nathan Greenlee & Koji Imai
Gary Groff & Michael Patten
Jane Groveman
Ms. H. Vanwoerkom Grul & Anna L. Tirado MD
Gulliver Schools
David G. Hanna*
Alan Hassell* in loving memory of H. Thomas Axt
Steve Hatfield & Patrick Riordan*
Michael & Jean Hearne*
Highlight NY LLC*
In Loving Memory of Tom Morgan
JAM Dance & Fitness Center
Randy James*
The Jerome Robbins Foundation
Laurence Kaplan*
Brendan Kelly & Conrad Hanson
Alan Klein & Jeffrey Erb*
Daniel Kane & Don Cassola
Doreen Katen
Karl Kemp
Tom Kim & John Olson
Roger Kluge & Robert Faust
Hilda Kraker*
Karl Krumholz & Dick Limoges
Robert Kulikowski & Christopher Collins
Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion
Lacy Ford Subaru
LaFountaine Family Foundation*
Winston Bernard Layne*
Christopher Leary*
Fern Lee & Lori Zeller
Albert R. Lepage
Rob Levy
Robert R. Littman & Sully Bonnelly
Jane Newman Lubart
M.A.C. AIDS Fund
Mark Morris Dance Group
James Martin
Nina Matis & Alan Gosule
Richard McCune & Brian Carroll – City National Bank*
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
Edward Meehan
Marius Meland & Eng Kian Ooi
Eli Milbaur & Ryan Cangello
Anne Miller & Stuart Breslow
Tom Molner & Andy Brimmer
Judith Nelson* in memory of Wayne McCarthy
Bebe Neuwirth & Chris Calkins*
New Jersey Dance Theatre Ensemble
New York City Ballet
New York City Dance Alliance
Stacey Newton & Steve Lewis
Shelley K. Nierenberg
Dr. Sharon Novak*
Mark Okun & John Wedell
John Ottino
Pacific Northwest Ballet
Parsons Dance
Tad Paul
David Pavese & Virun Rampersad
Performing Arts Center of Connecticut
Charlie Phillips & Mike Hisey
Dr. Sean Pierce & Ezra Taylor
Erik Piecuch & Alex B. Wright*
Penelope Queen & Wolfgang Brandl
Dr. Amit Rakhit & Mr. Brad Senatore
Eric Reiner
Teresa Reyes & Martin Monas*
Clifford Richner
Ridgefield Dance & Fitness
The Robert N. Alfandre Family
Henry Robin & Bob McGarity
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Barbara & Bob Rohdie
Mary & Saul Sanders
Robert Schaffer & Clifford Berry
Ivan Schneider & Phillippe Dehaene
Howard Sendrovitz & David Sinclair
Shaping Sound
Ed Simonelli & Hernando Cortez Jr*
Frances Spark & Michael Goldberg
Timothy A. A. Stiles
Stomp the Swamp
Chelsea Streifeneder/Body Be Well Pilates
Curtis J. Strohl & Jack P. Quinn III
Strut Your Stuff of Plainview
Bruce Stuart
T. Backer Fund
Kenneth Tepper & Louis Tedeschi
Stuart Thompson & Joe Baker
Lila & George Todd
Trisha Brown Company Inc.
James Vandernoth
Margo & Anthony Viscusi
Suzy Brodie Vogler & William F. Vogler
Ryan Walls & Arrash Jalali*
Michael P. Walsh & JD Winston
Matthew Warnecke & George Sheer
Westport Dance Center, LLC
Todd M. Whitley & Gary O. Holder* in loving memory of James Roe
Jamie Winkler, Winkler Real Estate
Eric Winterling & Michael Peck
Jeff Woods & Miguel Barrio
Simon Yates & Kevin Roon
Ryan Zanin & Ari Ginsburg
Jeff Zimman & Ken Ruebush
Christian Zimmermann & Richard Kielar
Andrew Zobler
Zufall Family Foundation*
The Maestro Program of Classical Action: Performing Arts Against AIDS
The Maestro Program of Classical Action: Performing Arts Against AIDS recognizes individuals, businesses and foundations that make a contribution of $1,000 or more annually to Classical Action, a program of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Every great Maestro knows that each section of the orchestra, whether strings, woodwinds, brass or percussion, plays an important role in creating an overall sound. Similarly, those who support The Maestro Program know that whatever giving category they choose, their contribution helps orchestrate the success of Classical Action.
$25,000 and above
Estate of James S. Marcus
Michael Palm Foundation
$10,000 – $24,999
John and Sophie Bilezikian, in loving memory of Sara Bilezikian
Helen Bodian and Roger Alcaly
David Hyde Pierce and Brian Hargrove, in honor of Charles Hamlen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Solomon
Simon Yates and Kevin Roon
$5,000 – $9,999
Lewis Alexander and Susan Tanaka
The Calamus Foundation
Ed and Chris Carye
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
Lock Whitney and Sandro Cagnin
$2,500 – $4,999
Columbia Artists Management, Inc.
$1,000 – $2,499
Charles Dimston and Elena Asribekova
Kaushik Ghosh and Stephanie Johnson
Peter Greenleaf
Roy Hamilton
Florette Hoffheimer
Ted Lenox, MD
Linda and Stuart Nelson
NYCAHC Charitable Fund
Peter Partridge
Michael Rataczak
Scott Reed
Robert and Donna Shafir
Raymond and Marie-Monique Steckel
The Susan S. Shiva Foundation
Treasurers and Ticket Sellers Union Local 751 I.A.T.S.E.
Jindrich Zitek and Benjamin Schott
Board of Trustees
Paul Libin, President
Robert E. Wankel, Executive Vice President
Ira Mont, First Vice President
Thomas Schumacher, Second Vice President
Nina Lannan, Third Vice President
Sherry Cohen, Fourth Vice President
Philip Birsh, Treasurer
Judith Rice, Secretary
Scott Barnes
Joseph Benincasa
David Binder
Chris Boneau
Barry Brown
Kate Burton
Robert Callely
Kathleen Chalfant
Gavin Creel
Alan Cumming
Michael David
B. Merle Debuskey
Maria Di Dia
Paul DiDonato
Sam Ellis
Richard Frankel
Roy Harris
Richard Hester
Richard Jay-Alexander
Cherry Jones
Jay Laudato
Peter Lawrence
Margo Lion
Joe Machota
Nancy Mahon
Mary McColl
Kevin McCollum
Terrence McNally
Jerry Mitchell
Bernadette Peters
Jordan Roth
Nick Scandalios
Robert Score
Kate Shindle
Philip J. Smith
Charlotte St. Martin
David Stone
Stuart Thompson
Tim Tompkins
Tom Viola (ex-officio)
As of October 2016
At the October 5, 2016, meeting of the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Board of Trustees, those in attendance presented Joe Benincasa, executive director of The Actors Fund, with a check for $5,602,500, representing BC/EFA’s support in the fiscal year 2016.
Left to right: Danny Whitman, director of development; Tom Viola, executive director; Valerie Lau-Kee Lai, producing director; Robert Callely; John Barnes; Lane Beauchamp, director of communications; B. Merle Debuskey; Maria Di Dia; Scott Barnes; Joe Benincasa; Philip Birsh, treasurer; Mary McColl; Peter Lawrence; Thomas Schumacher, second vice president; Robert E. Wankel, executive vice president; Nina Lannan, third vice president; Barry Brown; Tim Tompkins; Richard Frankel; Larry Cook, director of finance and administration.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Staff
Tom Viola, Executive Director
Lane Beauchamp, Director of Communications
Larry Cook, Director of Finance & Administration
Valerie Lau-Kee Lai, Producing Director
Danny Whitman, Director of Development
Michael Carmine Di Bianco
Cat Domiano
Trisha Doss
Dennis Henriquez
Justin Hoffman
Nathan Hurlin
Skip Lawing
Ashley Melón
Sarah Mitchel
Dan Perry
Scott T. Stevens
Scott Tucker
Mo Brady
Angelica Franklin
Joy Nelson
Roy Palijaro
Victor Rodriguez
Francesca Toscano
Aaron Waytkus
Frank Conway
Gary Damiano
John Halpin
Michelle Abesamis
Josh Blye
Ngoc Ha Bui
R. Keith Bullock
Ed Garrison
Donald Huppert
Rose M. James
Michael McLean
Brian O’Donnell
Madeline Reed
Peter Borzotta
Feliziano Flores
Andy Halliday
Mark Irish
Dancers Responding to AIDS
Denise Roberts Hurlin
Chip Byars
Sarah Cardillo
Classical Action
Chris Kenney
Photo Credit: Kevin Thomas Garcia
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