Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
What we do together, makes a difference

State: California
$15,000 BC/EFA Grant Helps Bay Area Homeless Youth Alliance Fund HIV Prevention and Needle Exchange Programs
The staff of San Francisco’s Homeless Youth Alliance is made up almost entirely by young adults who were once on the streets themselves By Andy Smith Even over the phone, San Francisco’s Homeless Youth Alliance exudes a very “West Coast” vibe. This laidback tone, however, belies a highly effective and carefully structured program run […]
San Diego’s Special Delivery Uses $25,000 BC/EFA Grant to Expand Food Delivery to Clients Fighting Cancer and Non HIV-Related Illnesses
By Andy Smith Special Delivery San Diego is a rare, remarkable species of non-profit. It’s had one director and many of the same volunteers and staff members since opening its doors 17 years ago. And with a Spartan staff of four administrative volunteers and an army of approximately 215 other dedicated volunteers, no one […]
Grantee Profile Spotlight: Black AIDS Institute
While most of BC/EFA’s national grants go for direct services like food, shelter and healthcare, we realize that improving treatment and quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS depends on effective advocacy, especially in communities of color, where new infections are increasing at an alarming rate and a high percentage of the population doesn’t […]