Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
What we do together, makes a difference

Annual Report 2019
October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019
From the President and the Executive Director
August 2020
Dear Friend and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Supporter:
In 2020, it feels strange to look back and reflect on fiscal year 2019. Despite being a challenging year politically, we were able to talk to, laugh with and hug our friends and family. We were able to come together in a Broadway theater and appreciate art and the artists who made it possible. These were simple moments we took for granted, but today are poignant memories. As is the lifesaving difference Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and its supporters made for people in need across the country during this time.
Throughout fiscal year 2019 (October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019), through record-breaking annual events, audience appeals and fundraising efforts, Broadway Cares shared your incredible generosity with those facing HIV/AIDS and other critical illnesses. This support went to 478 HIV/AIDS and family service organizations in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., supporting food banks and meal delivery programs, health clinics, housing programs and more.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS continued as the single largest funder of The Actors Fund’s vital safety net of services for our friends and colleagues in the entertainment community. We support The Actors Fund’s essential programs including the HIV/AIDS Initiative, the Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative, The Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts, the Artists Health Information Resource Center, Addiction and Recovery Services, The Career Center, the Safe Workplace Initiative, The Dancers’ Resource, Senior Services and more. With your support, everyone in the industry has access to The Actors Fund’s lifesaving services.
In total, Broadway Cares’ support for the programs of The Actors Fund reached $6.2 million in fiscal year 2019, while our National Grants Program awarded $8 million to social and medical service organizations nationwide.
Hopefully, by next year’s annual report letter, the challenges of 2020 will simply be a distant memory. For now, thank you for proving that what we do together makes a difference.

Robert E. Wankel, President

Tom Viola, Executive Director

Robert E. Wankel, President

Tom Viola, Executive Director
Where Does All The Money Go?
Financial Statements Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF)
IRS Form 990 Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF)
The Actors Fund
Throughout the year, for eight shows a week, artists onstage and the unseen theatre professionals offstage entertain audiences across the country. But once the curtain closes and the lights dim, the physical toll of this demanding life can set in. And with unique schedules and often complex health insurance concerns, it can be challenging to know where to turn in times of need or crisis.
That’s why The Samuel J. Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts expanded in 2019 to include more specialists and general practitioners to support the needs of the performing arts community. This growth was buoyed by annual support of $1.2 million from Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
“We’re responsive to the needs of the community,” said Renata Marinaro, director of health services, national at The Actors Fund. “We’re listening and reacting to the demands of our patients. An example is the number of women who have told us they need good gynecological care in this city as well as quick, easy access to it. So that is something we made sure to add, and part of what has fueled this growth at The Friedman.”
In addition to a female gynecologist, The Friedman Health Center is adding a female family medicine doctor this fall, who joins the two existing male primary care physicians. The center is also gaining a second dermatologist, who is in addition to the dermatology, podiatry and physical therapy services that have been added during the center’s two years in service.
Since 1988, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS has granted more than $106 million to The Actors Fund to support these vital initiatives and programs.
In fiscal year 2019, Broadway Cares awarded $6.18 million to The Actors Fund.
Support for The Actors Fund
HIV/AIDS Initiative | $2,000,000 |
The Friedman Center for the Performing Arts | $1,200,000 |
Phyllis Newman Women’s Health Initiative | $900,000 |
Artists Health Insurance Resource Center | $450,000 |
Addiction and Recovery Services | $350,000 |
The Dancers’ Resource | $200,000 |
The Career Center | $300,000 |
Safe Workplace Initiative | $250,000 |
Looking Ahead Center | $100,000 |
Senior Services | $225,000 |
Total: $5,975,000 |
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS also supported The Stage Managers’ Project with a grant of $50,000 for the print and online version of The New York Stage Managers Unofficial Health Directory, as well as $61,000 for The Actors Fund annual gala, memorial donations, benefit support and other smaller donations.
Ultimately, The Friedman Health Center, thanks in part to Broadway Cares and its supporters, thrives because its wellness professionals appreciate and respect the craft of those onstage and behind the scenes.
“I did plays when I was in high school, but my love of musical theatre didn’t make up for my lack of talent, so I went to medical school,” Dr. Jason Kindt, medical director at The Friedman Health Center, joked. “I never dreamed I’d get to combine both of my passions. The fact that I am this involved with the theatre community blows my mind. It’s truly a dream job for me. I get to work with some of my idols every day.
For Marinaro, her love for the community is driven by how the community inspires her. “They make us laugh, they make us cry,” Marinaro said. “I have such respect for the work that is done in this community. Musicians, dancers, ushers, everybody in every facet puts in long hours. Their resilience is incredible. And I feel privileged to be able to help them when they need it.”
For more information about The Actors Fund, visit
National Grants
Tom Viola stepped into his office one morning and was greeted with unexpected gratitude delivered in a surprising manner.
Stacked on his desk, the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ executive director found more than two dozen letters with postmarks from Alabama to Minnesota, Connecticut to California. They came from organizations in a dozen states that received support and hope through Broadway Cares’ grants that had just been awarded in June 2019.
“There are approximately 1,000 people needing a safe place to sleep tonight in the state of Minnesota,” read the letter from Clare Housing in Minneapolis, which again received a $10,000 grant thanks to Broadway Cares’ supporters. “And, for individuals living with HIV, the barriers to housing faced on a daily basis are too numerous, including HIV stigma, racism, poverty and generational trauma. Your commitment ensures that each resident has a stable home with the support they need to live an independent and dignified life.”
While it’s common for those receiving grants to share their thanks and appreciation, this one day’s volume of gratitude was particularly striking.
“To arrive to all these letters from organizations coast to coast, doing groundbreaking work in supporting the most vulnerable among us, was deeply and quietly moving,” Viola said. “It’s such an important reminder of the difference we make together.”
In fiscal year 2019, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS awarded more than $8 million to AIDS and family service providers through the National Grants Program.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS awards its national grants in three rounds. The first round funds food service and meal delivery programs, which are essential for lifesaving medical regimens to have a lasting impact. The second round provides grants to nationally recognized AIDS service organizations, health clinics and advocacy organizations.
The third round supports social service organizations whose essential work enhances the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS and supports the integrity of families, by every definition of the word, who live each day with the multiple challenges of this disease. This grant round covers four categories: Direct Services; Emergency Financial Assistance; Harm Reduction Programs and Quality of Life Services.
In addition to the three grant rounds, Broadway Cares shared a series of one-off support throughout the year, including emergency grants and grants to theatre community service organizations, research and Physician Volunteers for the Arts. Special grants were made to the Hispanic Federation and Flamboyan Foundation for natural disaster relief.
2019 National Grants
Food Service and Meal Delivery Programs | $2,143,000 |
Nationally Recognized AIDS Service and Advocacy Organizations | $1,157,500 |
Local AIDS Service Organizations | $2,305,500 |
Theatre Social Service Organizations | $189,500 |
Natural Disaster Relief | $500,000 |
Research Grants, Special One-time and Share Support | $951,261 |
Supplemental Emergency Grants | $695,871 |
Physician Volunteers for the Arts | $90,000 |
Total: $8,032,632 |
In the corner of the letter from Covenant House in Charleston, West Virginia, was a handwritten note from Executive Director Ellen Allen: “We are deeply grateful for your generous support of our work. You can’t imagine what it means to us here, far from New York.”
So much of this work and so many of these stories wouldn’t be told without the generosity and kindness of Broadway Cares supporters.
2019 National Grantees by State
Please use the drop-down box below to view all the agencies BC/EFA funded in Fiscal Year 2019 by state.
International Grantees
International actors and Broadway shows originating overseas have long been participating in Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’ twice-yearly audience appeals. They are valued and crucial fundraisers for the organization. To celebrate their efforts, Broadway Cares grants a portion of the funds they help raise to HIV/AIDS service organizations in their native countries.
These international charities are chosen and introduced to Broadway Cares by the company members who inspired the donation. Once the organization’s charitable status has been confirmed by Broadway Cares, a grant on behalf of the company is donated abroad.
In fiscal year 2019, Broadway Cares made grants to international organizations totaling $588,920 to HIV/AIDS service organizations outside the United States.
A key focus for Broadway Cares’ international grants round is South Africa. The incidence of HIV/AIDS in South Africa remains among the highest in the world as 7 million people live with the disease. It’s a reality that continues to hit close to the heart for many in the cast of Disney’s acclaimed production of The Lion King. As natives of South Africa, they’ve seen the epidemic’s toll first-hand in their hometowns and villages.
Inspired by The Lion King‘s enthusiastic fundraising efforts, more than $5.5 million has been awarded in grants to South African HIV/AIDS organizations since The Lion King opened on Broadway. In 2019, $448,257 was shared with 17 service providers identified by the South African actors in the Broadway and national touring companies of The Lion King. As the AIDS pandemic continues to devastate this region, funding for South African organizations will remain a priority for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
2019 International Grants
South Africa | $448,257 |
The AFC (Canada), TheatreMAD (UK) and others | $140,663 |
Total: $588,920 |
Angels Circle
Angels are donors who support Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS with unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more during a single fiscal year. These gifts are especially notable as they are a unique, special core of donors whose gifts were not in relation to the purchase of merchandise or event tickets. These generous donations directly fund Broadway Cares’ grants, which are ultimately distributed to the vital social service programs of The Actors Fund and HIV/AIDS service organizations in all 50 states.
In Broadway terms, an “angel” is an investor in a theatre production. In exchange for the financial investment, angels are historically given the best seats in the house as the show could not exist without their contribution. The Angels Circle creates a similar tradition, granting Broadway Cares Angels VIP status within the organization, along with numerous additional benefits.
The names below are those who have supported Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS with Angels Circle contributions of $1,000 or more during our fiscal year 2019, from October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019.
Names in bold indicate Archangels, donors who have increased their gift by 25 percent or more over the past year.
- Executive Producer
- Producer
- Director
- House Seat
- Orchestra Seat
- Box Seat
- Front Mezzanine
Executive Producer
(Gifts of $100,000 and above)
The Fred Ebb Foundation
Secret Villas of Key West
(Gifts from $50,000 to $99,999)
Dwight H. Curry, “Dream Alliance”
Thomas Schumacher & Matthew White
The Shubert Organization
Brian S. Snyder
Lizzie & Jonathan M. Tisch
(Gifts from $25,000 to $49,999)
Laura M. Boedeker
William W. Donnell
Mary. D. Fisher
Jules Fisher & Graciela Daniele
Myrna & Freddie Gershon Fund in memory of Tom Eyen, Paul Jabara,
Arthur Laurents, Allan Carr, Marvin Hamlisch and Richard Salfas
H. van Ameringen Foundation
William J. Levy
Lee Perlman & Linda Riefberg
The Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation, San Francisco
Mickey Rolfe & Bruce Tracy
Marc & Mary Lou Seidner
Happy Shipley in honor of Tom Viola
Hollis Stern
The Ted Snowdon Foundation
House Seat
(Gifts from $10,000 to $24,999)
Sam Altman in memory of Murray Schapiro & Shirley Herz and Jerry Tischman
John R. Alchin & Hal Marryatt
Butkiewicz Family Foundation in honor of Judy Wheeler
Samantha & Drew Cohen in memory of Richard Salfas
Gavin Corcoran in memory of Charles Wallace Collier
Deborah Dakin
Frank Duff & John Okuloski
Doug Eichman & Michael C. Yount
Tobi & Eugene Faut
The Fosdick Fund
Ronald & Susan Frankel
Vincent Gaeta
George & Irina Schaeffer Foundation
Meryle Gitto
Jill & Marty Handelsman
Harriett D. Kittner Foundation
James C. Hormel & Michael P. Nguyen
Deirdre & Mark LeMire
Paul & Florence Rowe Libin
Richard Lin & Evan Zazula
Larry L. Luing Family Foundation
David B. Lyons
Mary Lea Johnson Richards 1997 Charitable Trust in memory of Mary Lea Johnson
Richards & Martin Richards
William Megevick in memory of Larz Anderson
Abigail Merrill
Stephanie & Carter McClelland
Stacey Mindich
Miranda Family Fund
Miriam Schaeffer Family Foundation
Jane Morison
Newman’s Own Foundation
Randall Pinder & Paul Pearson
Reel Time Video Production: Jonathan Frank & Alex Pearlman
Ann Reinking
The Ross Foundation
Jeffrey Seller
Amy Sherman-Palladino
Sweet Hospitality Group
Theatrical Stage Employees Local One/IATSE
Bob Tuschman
John Voege & Geoffrey Paul
The Waldman Foundation
Barbara Whitman
Diane M. & Kevin Wilshere
Anonymous (2)
Orchestra Seat
(Gifts from $5,000 to $9,999)
Liz Armstrong
ATPAM – Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers
Joe Baker in loving memory of Stuart Thompson
The Barrington Foundation Inc.
Nancy Duggan Benson
Terry & William Biggins
Robert Billig & Richard Vida
Roy Brayton & Mickey Sullivan
The Bryan Adams Foundation
Cabaret For Life Inc.
The Carl Jacobs Foundation
Cristina Carlson
Cathy Chernoff
David J. Cohen
The Column Awards
Dr. Mitchell A. Combs & Frank C. Druse III
Scott Dainton in memory of Andy Zerman
Todd Davis
Jamie deRoy in memory of Bradshaw Smith
Drew Desky & Dane Levens
Diversions Inc. in honor of Lenore “Lenny” Shapiro and the
great joy that theatre has provided as members
The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Toni Downey
Robert Evers
Feinstein’s/54 Below
Maggie Flanigan & Richard Dow
Kenneth R. Fulton
Emmanuelle Gattuso & Allan Slaight
Joanna Gleason & Chris Saradon
Dan Goggin
Valerie Gordon-Johnson & Doug Johnson
James F. Haag
Robert Hickman
The Joe & Hellen Darion Foundation, Inc.
The John D. Evans Foundation
George E. Jordan in memory of Michel G. Delhaise
Benita & Joe Kaminkow
Karma Foundation
Karen E. Kennedy in memory of Muriel & Bob Kennedy
Michael A. Leppen
Judith Light & Robert Desiderio
Tom Lombardi
Fran Macferran
Leslie & Jordan Mayer
Clif Mathews & Brian Lurie
David R. McShane & The Samantha Fund
Marianne McGrath Mills
Michael Halebian & Co. Inc.
Keith Miller
Jerry Mitchell
Ira Mont & Jill Cordle Mont in memory of Annette & Stuart Mont,
Dan Cordle and in honor of Joan Cordle
Javier Morgado in memory of Eddie Sweetnam
James L. Nederlander
Phyllis Newman in honor of Adolph Green
Nora Roberts Foundation
Joseph Obermayer
Rob O’Neill & Shawn Anderson
Tony Origlio
Stephen Paine
The PATH Fund/Rockers on Broadway
George Perez
Bonnie & Alan Petsche
Petty Hefte Family Foundation
Playbill Inc.
Michael C. Ray
Michael Raymond & Andrew Moyer
Merle Reskin
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Rose Brand
Meryl Rosofsky & Stuart H. Coleman*
Paul Rumsey
Pieter Schenck & Sioux Logan*
Lauren Class Schneider, Broadway Fantasy Camp
John E. Schumacher
Carolyn & Marc Seriff
Joseph Short
James L. Simon
Rob Stoll
Steve Sweet
Andrew Thaman
Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local 764 IATSE
Jeffrey Trachtman
Robert Tyrer
David Wackman & Jason Rardin
Weinberg Family Foundation
Peg & Gary Wendlandt
Jayne A. Williams
Wyncote Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Box Seat
(Gifts from $2,500 to $4,999)
Sara M. Allan
Gerry & Hank Alpert*
Richard Ambrose
Gerald M. Appelstein*
Sarah Ashman & Ron Gillespie in memory of Howard Ashman
Bob Avian & Peter Pileski
Jennifer Balbier
Paris Baldacci & Andrew S. Dolkart
Anne Banfield
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery in loving memory of Rob Sinacore
Clay & Karen Barnes in honor of Gracie & Christina Barnes
John Barnes & Charles Champagne
Douglas Bella & David Hunt
Elaine D. Berger
Amy Bermudez
George L. Bielitz & John Derco
Walter Bobbie & David Frye
Tina & Jeffrey Bolton
Lynn A. Booth
Ann Marie & Robert Borsdorf
John Bowab
Corey Brunish & Jessica Rose Brunish
Frank Carucci and David Diamond celebrating
LaMaMa and Ellen Stewart’s Centennial
Deborah & Steven Cavalier
CESD Talent Agency
Alissa Cipriano
Gloria & Charles I. Clough Jr.
Sheandra R. Clark
Paul & Kelly Cole
John Contratti
Kenneth E. Cooke
Larry Cosand & Jaime Lozada
Thomas Cott* in memory of Philip Carlson
Gavin Creel
Michael David & Lauren Mitchell
Ken Davies
Paula Kaminsky Davis
Charles Deull
Maria Di Dia in loving memory of Doug Salmon
Anthony, Kristina & David Ellenbogen
The Emerald Green Group
Joe Evall & Richard Lynn
Bill Evans & Chuck Fischer in memory of Mike Nichols
James & Anna Fantaci
Peter Farrell*
Doug Fiebelkorn & Andrew Hall
Ken Finkelstein
Kevin Foley-Littell & Stephen Littell
Keith Fox & Tom Keyes
Richard Gerrig & Timothy Peterson
John Paul Geurts & Robert W. Stolt
Roger Gindi & Gregory Victor
Dale Glasser in memory of Steven Glasser
Sherri Goldberg
Emily Grishman & Susan Sampliner
Dr. Jeffrey & Mr. Gerald Grove
Alma Guimarin
Michael P. Harrell
Matthew Helmerich in honor of Douglas Ward
The Hilaria & Alec Baldwin Foundation
Susan & Neal Hirsch
Geoffrey Hoefer & Thomas Wei**
William S. Hoover, M.D.
Kathy Inch
Jerome S. Glazer Foundation
John L. McHugh Foundation
Karen Johnston
Kelly Karavites in memory of my loving spouse Francis P. King
Amy Kaufmann & Ruth Ro
Howard Kellman
Joshua Kellman
Karen Kellman
Sarah Kellman
Angel Koven
Lillian Kraemer
William Lauch
Dr. Johnnie Lee & Mr. Darryl Branch
Stephanie Lee/Group Sales Box Office
Kevin R. Lyle & Renee Chatelain
John J. Mackerey
Tom Marshall & Kathy Keneally
James Martin
Elliott & Cathy Masie
Nina Matis & Alan Gosule*
Richard McCune & Brian Carroll – City National Bank**
James McKenzie
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
Svend Mejdal
Brian Stokes Mitchell & Allyson Tucker in honor of Tom Viola,
Paul Libin and Phil Birsh
Judith A. Nelson* in memory of Wayne McCarthy
Douglas J. Nieters
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Nocco
Janice Oresman
David Oviedo in memory of Warren Anthony Perkins
Michael Paleos
Stavros Pavlakis & Alison Fraser
Theresa & Pete Piliero
Gloria Piraino
Brad Plunkett
Dr. Amit Rakhit & Mr. Brad Senatore
Richard E. Rauh
Monica & Greg Reid
Stephen Kroll Reidy*
Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation
Warren D. Riffle & Kurt A. Fleagle
David Romero & David Greiss
Amy Rosenthal in memory of Gloria Rosenthal
Moe & Jack Rouse
Phil & Dawn Rudolph
Wendy B. Samuel
Megan M. Savage
Steven Schnepp & Mark Basile in memory of
Paul Penfield & John Heppenstall
Susan & Clark Schubach
Adam Schwab
Elliott R. Sernel
Jayne Baron Sherman
David Shmerler
Michael Slade
In memory of Michael Smith
Timothy Stevens & David Czekaj*
Katherine Sulenski
Robin Thigpin
Michael Valenti, Corey Zucker and Pip
Joyce Van Patten
Tom Viola
Carol Waaser
Michel Wallerstein
Fred Weil*
Frederick M. White & Greg Kammerer
Cory Scott Whittier in memory of David Rupert Hewes
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Jeff Woodman in memory of Melvin Bernhardt
Russ Woolley
David Zippel & Michael Johnston
Anonymous (2)
Front Mezzanine
(Gifts from $1,000 to $2,499)
Deborah & Charles Adelman*
Catherine Adler
Ken Adler in memory of Ellen Adler and
in honor of Jon Adler
James D. Akins Jr.
Lee R. Anisman M.D.
The Apatow-Mann Family Foundation
David Glenn Armstrong in joyful
memory of Peter Frame
Jonathan Aronowitz &
Bradley Scalise
The Arthur Loeb Foundation
Jay Axelrod
Gary Bagley in memory of Peter Neufeld
& Richard Stack
Christopher &
Paris Barclay
Scott Barnes in memory of
Brian Kellow
Ivan M. Bart in memory of Adam Balzano
Beech Street Foundation
Bendit Family Foundation
Nan & Joe Benincasa
Andrew Berdon*
Russell Berg in memory of Roni Daniel
Cheryl Bergenfeld*
Mark Bernhardt*
Claude Bernstein & Melody Wang
James C. P. Berry
Phillip Bettencourt
Phil & Mary Beuth
Jon Bierman
Chuck Blasius in memory of Linda Accardi
David Sprott Boger
David Bohnett in memory of
Herb Hamsher
Miranda Book & Linda Dingler
Dave Boone
Joan C. Bowman*
Loraine Alterman Boyle
Don Branford
Nyle Brenner
Russell Brent & Nicholas Hodges
Priscilla Brewster
Susan Brewster
Broadway Licensing
J. Arthur Brost
Barry Brown & Douglas Cohn, D.V.M.
Michael Buchanan
Melissa Buenaventura
James & Debbie Burrows
Katherine Burton in honor
of Dale Ellen Leff
Michelle L. Butler
Peter J. Butler
Gary Bynum
Michael-Demby Cain*
Robert Callely
Steven M. Caplan Esq.
Sarah & Frank Cardillo
Len Cariou & Heather Summerhayes
Debra & Kim Carmichael
Carleton Carpenter
David Cartee
Ronald Casty
Annette Cerbone & Suzanne LeVan
Jamie Cesa & Joseph Schmaderer
Stockard Channing
Charles and Margaret Levin
Family Foundation
The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation,
Inc. in memory of Bob & Muriel Kennedy
David & Paula Leggett Chase
Chasin/Gilden Family Fund, at the
Boston Foundation
Sam Cheow* in memory of Gordon Avard
Sylvia Choi
Thom Christopher in memory of
Judith Laverone Christopher
Michael Coady
Edward M. Coffina
Evan Cohen
Brad & Kyong Coleman*
Casey Cook & Gary Steinkohl
William Corsello
Clayton Crawley & Roy Kim
Creative Artists Agency Foundation
William C. Cubberley*
The Cunin Family
Mark Dalton
Duke Dang & Charles Rosen* in
loving memory of David Panzer
Ben Daniel in honor of Roni Daniel
Derek Danton & Robert Berk
Peter Davenport
David Beatty Fund of Stonewall
Community Foundation
Christine De Lisle & Ken Klein*
David DeSocio
Louis J. Denkovic
Tim Devin & Erik Frantzen*
Gregory Diskant & Sandra Baron
Salvatore E. Dirschberger
John, Barb & Ginna Doyle
Christopher Durang & John Augustine
Earl and Margaret Chesson Charitable
Endowment Fund of Triangle
Community Foundation
Thor Eckert
The Edgar Foster Daniels Foundation
Maryann Edgecomb
Valerie Eigner
Alan Eisenberg & Claire Copley in
honor of Bernie Jacobs and Tom Viola
Steven Elkin
Sam Ellis in honor of Valarie Silver Ellis
Nigel Emmett
Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz
Robert Eppenstein
Bonnie Pfeifer Evans*
Shane Ewen
Laura G. Fahsbender
Ken Fakler
John & Margaret Falk*
T.A. Fassburg
Robert Faust & Roger Kluge*
Vicky Feather
James Fedigan
Jeff & Sherrie Feinstein
Jack Feldman & Matthew Liss
Alisa Ferrari
Kenneth & Caryl Field
Steven Filenbaum & Matthew Woolf, CFP
Donald M. Filicetti
The Firehouse Theatre
Elliot Fishman & Dale Abrams
Kevin & Helen Flanagan*
Doug Fogel
Lauren Foley
Edward & Lori Forstein
Sam Fortenbaugh
Dale J. Fournier & Michael R. Wellington*
Clay Francis
Joan Fraser
Fraydun Foundation, Inc.
Sean Free
Barbara H. Freitag
Bart Freudlich & Julianne Moore
James B. Freydberg
Corey Friedlander*
David A. Friedman in memory of
my mother Shirley Friedman
Merle Frimark in loving memory
of Ruth Frimark
David M. Fromm in memory of my partner
Robert Motley
Susan Frost
Marsi & Eric Gardiner
Thomas Garner*
David Gaudette & David Maue
Bruce & Alice Geismar
Barry Gelda in memory of
Irene Lucille Bunis
The Gelfand Family Foundation
Thomas Gentile
Darrel M. W. George & Scott Turner*
The Gersh Agency in honor of Judith Light
Amy Gewirtz
Jan & Steven Golann
Dr. Guido Goldman*
Sam Gonzalez
Stefanie M. Gorman
Barbara Gottlieb
Ann & Eddie Graf
Dane Grams
Mike Greenly
Michael Greif
Robert Grill & Richard Zopatti
Carol & Bill Gross
Howard Grossman, M.D.
Barry & Maggie Grove
Marc J. Gurell
Edward E. Hale Jr.
Diann Hall in memory of
John Rainwater
John Halpin in honor of
the Leadership Council
Brian Hamel
Edward Hampton & Lisa Kassenaar
Scott Handler
David G. Hanna* in memory of
George & Norma Jane Hanna
Jane Hanson
Alexandra Harper*
Carrie Anne K. Harrell
Jennifer Hatch & Sue Smith
Jeffrey Hayenga & Michael Belanger
Michael & Jean Hearne*
Joseph R. Heller, Ph.D. & Frank Ptak II
in memory of Michael Simmons-DeFord
Dena Henry
Richard Hester & Michael Mastro
Karen Hoefer
Philip Hoefer
Jim Hoelz & William Welsh
The Horchow Family
Craig J. Horsley
Lyn Hughes & Arthur Ferrara
Bill Hutton in memory of
Dr. Joel D. Weisman
Peter L. Ianniello, PhD
Ira M. Resnick Foundation
Waldo & Jeanne Jackson
Roberta & Robert Jacquet
Tracy Jamar in loving memory Monty Silver
Keith & Patti James
Janis & Alan Menken Charity Fund
Thai Jason in honor of Tom Viola
Jerl Machine Inc.
Joe Allen Restaurant
Earl Johnson & Douglas Ward
Barbara Josso & Liz Miloscia
Nicole A. Jussen
Peter Kaczorowski
Alycia Kantor
Steven Kaplan & Court Whisman
Chad Kaydo
Jodi, Jim, Matthew & Allison Kaye
Karin & Greg Kayne
Gail Kee & Javade Chaudhri
Mark Keegan & Kazuya Hasegawa
James Kelliher
Jason Kelliher & Brian Rice
Jeffrey Kent
Alan Klein & Jeffrey Erb*
Daniel Klingler & Jay Langhurst
F. Gary Knapp
Mark Koblenz
Ron Kollen
Konigsberg Family Fund
Dr. Ram Koppaka
Alix Korey & Randy Hansen
Raquel & Tomislav Kostadinov
Hilda Kraker*
John Kuehn & Elaine Crowley
Robert J. Kunikoff
Michael Kuzma
LaFountaine Family Foundation*
Dawn Landino
Angela Lansbury
Mark Lanspa
Katie LaRocca
Jay Laudato & Thomas Watson
Law Offices of Kimberly A. Smith
Brian Lawlor
Winston Bernard Layne*
Scott Lazarus & Julie Farmer
Christopher Leary*
Lily Lee
Jay H. Lefkowitch
Ann M. Lehman in loving memory of
Rick Burglund & Gary Warren
Hal & Jill Leibowitz
Phyllis Levinthal in memory of
Ruth & Sheldon Levinthal
Alex Halpern Levy
Bjorn Liencres
Mark D. Lingenfelter
Rosalind Lippel*
Diane Lippert
Stuart Lippner
Kristin Lockley
Michael Lombard
Arwen Lowbridge & Michael Lane
Donna L. Ludwig
Dr. Rick & Yaffa Lukash
Steve Lukens
Steven F. Lutz
Leslie Lyles
Mark & William Macatee
Patrick Mahoney & C. Martin Hicks
Maidstone Productions
in memory of Ted Tulchin
Scott Mallalieu & Nat Fuchs
Barbara Manocherian
Jesse Manocherian
Judith Manocherian
John Mansell & Tim House
The Marcy & Alan S. Honig
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Thomas Marino
Marshall Family Charitable
John & Michelle Matteson*
Scott & Harriet Mauro
Jo Mayer
Joe McCaddon
Elizabeth I. McCann
Eric McGahhey
Kati Meister
Bill Melamed Jr. & Jamey Lundblad
in honor of Judy Dove & Frank Conway
Jeff Meleski & Steve Markov
Allen T. Mercer & Helen A. Wong
MeritDirect, LLC
Michael J. Zamkow and Sue E. Berman
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. E. Van R. Milbury
Marilyn Miller in memory of
Trygve F. Wasbotten
Michele Miller
Michael Mills & Mark McGrath
Jonathan Mintzer
Andrea Mitchell
Debra Monk
Oscar E. Moore
Art H. Moore
William Moore
William Morey
Marcia L. Morris
Sally Campbell Morse
Elizabeth Morton in memory of
Elizabeth Wilson
Jason & Debbie Moss
Eric Murphy
Gene Murray
Tony Napoli & Gary Newman
Joseph A. Neese in memory of
Virginia McFarlane & Rodger McFarlane*
Eric Nelson
Bebe Neuwirth & Chris Calkins*
Maury Newburger
Nicholas C. & Allison M. Moore Fund
Albert Nocciolino
Gene Oberle
David O’Brien
Mark Olander & Nancy Farwell
Yogi Omar
Christopher Oram
John K. Orberg
Lisa Orberg
Samantha Orleans & Kevin Hansley
Ramon Padilla
Ron D. Painter
Dominic Paolillo & Itai Shamir
Michelle Park
Philip Paroian
Gregg Passin
Stavros Pavlakis & Alison Fraser
Ralph L. Pellecchio &
James C. Wernz, M.D.
Charles A. Pellicane
Michael Peltz in memory of
Joan Fuerman
Michelle M. Peters
Rose Polidoro
Sarah Prinsloo & Dean Rosow
Frances Pu
Isabella Putorti
Sofia Putorti
Dr. Judith Quick
Ron Rafay
Michael Raine
Anthony Ramos
Steven Rank
Andrea & Dennis Ratner
Jonathan Rebell & Noah Levine
David Reich &
Keith Marran
Teresa Reyes & Martin Monas*
Edward H. Richard &
Warren P. Kendrick
Michael Risinger
Rebecca Rizzio
Ed Roberts & Elaine Krauss
Jonathan Rock & Patrick DelaCruz
Mike Rognlien in honor of
Jamie Reynolds
Larry Rogowsky
Ryan A. Ross & Steven Ross
Paul Russell & Beryl Raff
Albert Russo*
Susie Sainsbury
Wynn J. Salisch
Samuel Sanderson Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Eddie Sarfaty & Court Stroud
Linda Scenna
Gloria Schallop
Amy Lynn Schecter
Carolyn Schiff & Noah Millman
S. Fred Schiffman
Jack Schillaci
Jack Schlegel*
Michael Schober & Don Harrison
Will Schwalbe & David Cheng
Jennifer Scott
John Eric Sebesta &
William Tomai
Richard Seer & Doug Wallingford
Debra & Michael Segal
Kenneth G. Shelley
Richard Siegmeister
David Siewers
Lisa Simmons
Nancy L. Simon
Ed Simonelli &
Hernando Cortez Jr*
Charles B. Slutzky
Iris Smith
Michael Smith
James K. Sokol
James Spiegelhoff
Eric Stine
Susan Strauss
Meryl Streep & Don Gummer
David I Stern
Dan Stone
Brian Strumwasser
Stuart S. Applebaum Giving Foundation
in memory of Mr. Vincent Zito
Flody Suarez
Lynn Surry
The Swish Ally Fund
Synergist Consulting LLC in honor
of Charlotte St. Martin
Rod Tailford & Mark Flickinger
Talkin’ Broadway
Peter M. Taub
Hal Tepfer & Stacie Simon
John Henry Thomas III
Henry Tisch
Lila & George Todd
Tracy & Lainey Todd
Tim Tompkins
Jennifer Trepeck in honor of Sue Gilad
Truworthy Productions
Matthew D. Tumminello &
Dominick J. Marangi
Twelfth Night Club Inc.
Mark Tynan
Beth M. Uffner
Richard J. Underwood
Sally Unger
Beth Van Schaack, Stanford Law School,
in honor of Tripp Zanetis
Heriberto G. Vargas
Dr. Anthony F. Verdi &
Mr. Mark A. Mainville
A. J. Vincent & Michael Eidelman
Richard & Debra Voller
Marcie Vort
Suzyn Waldman
Bashar Wali
Adam Wallace
Tom & Connie Walsh
Alice Wang
Arthur E. Webster, Esq.
Ira M. Weitzman
John Weltman & Cliff Atkins in honor
of David Kuehn & Tedi Marsh
Lucille Werlinich
Mr. & Mrs. Cortwright Wetherill Jr.
Nancy A. Wheeler
Gina White in honor of James Davis
William Rutherford White
Todd M. Whitley & Gary O. Holder*
in loving memory of James Roe
Danny Whitman & Robert Bartley in
memory of Francine Whitman
Lois Whitman
Channing Wickham
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wiggers in
memory of T. Thorne Wiggers
Will-Call Club
Miles Wilkin in honor of Stuart Thompson
Sarah Wolff & Joel Handelman
Jeff Wolk
Lauren Wyckoff
Yardi Systems*
Lori A. Yaspan
Sarah & John Zanetis In Memory of
Major Christopher Tripp Zanetis
David Ziff & Alan Bell
George Zuber & Anthony Snyder
Charitable Fund at Our Fund Inc.
Zufall Family Foundation*
Elliot Zulver & Sally Gold
Anonymous (8)
*Indicates members of the DRA Angels Circle
**Indicates members of the Broadway Cares and DRA Angels Circles
As of October 1, 2019
Corporate Support
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is fortunate to have the continued support of a broad range of corporate partners.

As one of the largest charities representing Broadway and the American theatre and the ninth-largest AIDS grant-making organization in the world, BC/EFA is able to connect major corporate brands with one of the nation’s foremost creative industries and our most loyal supporters. We are also able to ensure that a corporation’s support reaches into nearly every community in the country through our National Grants Program. Our Corporate Partners are able to build brand loyalty among millions of people associated with Broadway, be it on tour, onstage, backstage or in the audience and those passionate about the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Companies can partner with BC/EFA on a broad range of projects, including annual partnership, event sponsorship, cash and in-kind donations that directly support our programs and specialized, cause-related marketing.
With the creation of Broadway Delivers! in 2001 a new way for Broadway Cares and corporations to work together was born. Many of the events that BC/EFA produced through Broadway Delivers were originally produced for existing corporate clients such as Anheuser-Busch and Target, bringing new corporations into the Broadway Cares family.
We salute the generous companies that provide major support of our programs.
Colleen Dewhurst Society
The Colleen Dewhurst Society is the planned giving program of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, honoring those who have included Broadway Cares in their estate plan or will.
The society is named for the late Colleen Dewhurst, the Tony Award-winning actress and past president of Actors’ Equity Association. She pioneered the formation of the Equity Fights AIDS Committee, which merged with Broadway Cares in 1992 to become the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS of today.
“I’m so proud of what we do for each other. There are so many people who thought this thing would never go. That it couldn’t be done. But it happened anyway because so many people came forward and, in many different ways, made it happen. And to this very day, I love you all for that.”
– Colleen Dewhurst, June 1991
Dewhurst’s legacy will forever reflect her love for the theatre community and boundless compassion for the disadvantaged and underprivileged, as well as her incredible vision for AIDS fundraising within the Broadway community.
Joining the Colleen Dewhurst Society allows Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS supporters to create their own legacy of benevolence for the most vulnerable for years to come.
In fiscal year 2019, gifts to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS were received from the following estates:
Estate of Harry Bennett
Estate of Basil Merle Debusky
Estate of Christine Plath
Estate of Eileen Stapleton
The following people have provided for an estate or other planned gift to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS:
Lee R. Anisman M.D.
Jordan Barbakoff & Philip Jeffery
Phil & Mary Beuth
Ann Marie & Robert Borsdorf
Paul Boskind
John Bowab
Katherine Brader
Marcie Brooks
Robert L. Bullock
Kirsten Burkhart
Priscilla Calder-Spielholz
Robert Callely
Liz Caplan & Doug Maxwell
David Cartee
Dr. Oscar Chamudes
Tiffini Chow & Graham Hill
Frank Conway
Larry Cosand
Jamie deRoy
Marion Duckworth Smith
Danny Duncan
Alan Eisenberg & Claire Copley
Robert Evers
Judith A. Fanelli
Kenneth R. Fulton
Dane Grams
Joseph R. Heller, Ph.D. & Frank Ptak
Melody Henshaw
Jerry Herman
Geoffrey Hoefer & Thomas Wei
Carol A. Ingram
Jeffrey L. Jackman
Barry Allen Johnson
Henry Kaplan
Milton Kean
Karen Kellman
Robert W. Kilgore & Edward A. Richmond
Belinda J. Kotin
Robert J. Kunikoff
Jay Laudato & Thomas Watson
Bruce H. Lipstadt
Steven F. Lutz
Mark & William Macatee
James S Marcus
Richard McCune & Brian Carroll
Peter McKown & Kenneth Heng
David R. McShane
Robert Meier
Terri Miller
Jerry Mitchell
Debra Monk
Oscar E. Moore
Michael Morris
Gilbert Parker
Thompson Patton
Bobby Pearce
Lee Perlman & Linda Riefberg
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Michael Risinger
Amy Rosenthal
Marion J. Ross
Stuart Ross
Ben Ryan
Esta Jo Schifter
Margaret Small
Frank Spring
Eileen T. Stapleton
Alfred Szymanski
Mark Viviano & Randy Triezenberg
Carol Waaser
Douglas J. Ward & Earl Johnson
Terrence J. Witter & Artie de la Cruz
Philip Wright
Carolyn Zaput
We salute our many friends and colleagues who are no longer with us and left planned gifts to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Louise Alexander
Walter Alford
Florence Anglin
Frank Argiro
Rose Ascenzi
Marie Becker
Francine Beers
Melvin Bernhardt
Eva Block
Robert L. Borod
Lester Bowman
Monica Boyar
Roy Bradley
Aron Bromberg
Alice C. Brown
Frances S. Chaiken
Jerome S. Clark
Alvin Colt
Dolores Gray Crevolin
Patricia Croft
Alvin C. Davis
Gene Dickey
Elaine D. Dooman
Sophie Eisler
Michael Filerman
Murray Fishman
Aaron Frankel
Roger Franklin
Dr. Vincent Gambino
Harry S. Gold
Joyce Golden
Robert D. Gonzales
Christopher Gorman
Michael F. Hartig
Joan Houseman
Barry Allen Johnson
Kenneth Scott Kasman
Mary L. Laslo
Richard Alan Lerner
Linda Lipson
Paul R. Lipson
Howard L. Marcou
Reverend Richard Mietzelfeld
Jason J. Moyer
Edward Orgoglioso
Richard D. Overton
Gail Perlman
Warren Pincus
Christine Plath
Bernard B. Plotkin
Katherine Schrier
Heinz Poll & Thomas Skelton
Abraham Raskin
Marty Richards & Mary Lea Johnson Richards
Gerald L. Ritholz & Ray Jarvis
Paul L. Ross
Gordon T. Salter
David Semonin
Eileen R. Shields
Robert Sinacore
Milton J. Tatelman
David Paul Taylor
Gwen Verdon
Samuel J. Waddell Jr.
Marcella Weinberg
Julius Wittman
Board of Trustees
Robert E. Wankel, president
Thomas Schumacher, executive vice president
Ira Mont, first vice president
Mary McColl, second vice president
Sherry Cohen, third vice president
Philip Birsh, treasurer
Judith Rice, secretary
Paul Libin, president emeritus
Joe Baker
John Barnes
Scott Barnes
Joseph Benincasa
David Binder
Chris Boneau
Barry Brown
Kate Burton
Robert Callely
Kathleen Chalfant
Alan Cumming
Gavin Darraugh
Michael David
B. Merle Debuskey
Maria Di Dia
Paul DiDonato
Sam Ellis
Richard Frankel
Roy Harris
Richard Hester
Cherry Jones
Nathan Lane
Jay Laudato
Peter Lawrence
Joe Machota
Nancy Mahon
Kevin McCollum
Terrence McNally
Jerry Mitchell
Bernadette Peters
Jordan Roth
Nick Scandalios
Robert Score
Kate Shindle
Philip J. Smith
Charlotte St. Martin
David Stone
Tim Tompkins
Tom Viola (ex-officio)
Channing Wickham
As of October 2019
At the October 2019 meeting of the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Board of Trustees, those in attendance presented Joe Benincasa, executive director of The Actors Fund, with a check for $6,186,000, representing Broadway Cares’ support in the fiscal year 2019.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Staff
Tom Viola, Executive Director
Lane Beauchamp, Director of Communications
Larry Cook, Director of Finance & Administration
Valerie Lau-Kee Lai, Producing Director
Danny Whitman, Director of Development
James Cella
Trisha Doss
Ryan B. Gibbs
Nathan Hurlin
Jason Kooistra
Dan Perry
Beau Speer
Scott T. Stevens
Josh Blye
Mo Brady
Michael Carmine Di Bianco
Angelica Franklin
Jenny Garcia
Jorge David Irigoyen
Victor Rodriguez
Francesca Toscano
Sarah Cardillo
Frank Conway
Gary Damiano
Cat Domiano
Ashley Melón
Jack Noseworthy
Susan Slotoroff
Michelle Abesamis
Ngoc Ha Bui
R. Keith Bullock
Ed Garrison
Donald Huppert
Rose M. James
Michael McLean
Brian O’Donnell
Roy Palijaro
Michael Paulsen
Madeline Reed
Peter Borzotta
Feliziano Flores
Andy Halliday
Dancers Responding to AIDS & Classical Action
Denise Roberts Hurlin
Knox Martin
Adam Rei Siegel
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